The Eyes of the Dragon
The Eyes of the Dragon is a book by Stephen King published in 1984. At the time, it was a surprising deviation from the norm for King, who is best known for his horror fiction. This book is a work of classic fantasy, with a clearly established battle between good and evil, and magic playing a lead role. It tells the story of a noble prince who is framed for the murder of his father, his intensely jealous younger brother, and the evil sorcerer "Flagg", who manipulates the weaker younger brother to displace the rightful heir to the throne.
King wrote the book for his daughter Naomi, who disliked her father's ghosts and ghoulie stories with the excessive blood and bad language. One of the characters in the story is named Naomi, who proves to be an important ally of the good prince.
Many speculate whether the Flagg of this novel is Randall Flagg from The Stand, which has led to message boards full of debates and strange theories on such phenomena as "Twinners" and "multiple Flaggs". This is to the Dark Tower series as The Hobbit is to the The Lord of the Rings.