The word terminus is used in several different contexts including various topics:
- In transport a terminus is commonly used to describe a bus station/rail station acting as an end destination. See terminal station.
- In mythology Terminus refers to a Roman god, as well as the Roman god Jupiter.
- Terminus was also the original name of the city of Atlanta, Georgia (see article).
- Terminus is the name of the home planet of the Foundation in Isaac Asimov's Foundation series.
- Terminus is also the title of a space-flight role-playing/action game by Vicarious Visions.
- Terminus is the title of a serial in the long-running science fiction television series Doctor Who.
- (The) Terminus is a place beyond all reality ruled by Omega, the Lord of the Terminus. The Terminus is featured in the Time of Crisis adventure written for the Mutants and Masterminds rpg by Green Ronin publishing.
See also terminal.