In the science fiction television series Stargate SG-1, Teal'c [ˈtiːəlk] is a Jaffa who is one of the leading authorities on Goa'uld on Earth. Once serving the System Lord Apophis as his First Prime, Teal'c defected in the first episode of the series after Colonel Jack O'Neill convinced him that he could save all the people in the prison with them. Teal'c turned his weapon on his fellow Jaffa and, with the help of SG-1, freed the humans. In the fourth-season episode "The Light" Teal'c states that he is 101 years old.
In the Jaffa language, 'teal'c' means 'strength.' His father was once the First Prime of Cronos, a rival System Lord. But when his father failed in a battle that could not be won and retreated, Cronos personally executed him. The procedure was painful, as Cronos reached into the prim'tah (symbiote carrying pouch all Jaffa have) and crushed the larval Goa'uld. Teal'c and his mother fled to Apophis's territory, and Teal'c joined his army. Under the direction of Bra'tac, the then First Prime, he learned the ways of a warrior and rose in the ranks.
Teal'c has since proven his loyalty to Earth on numerous occasions. From saving members of the SGC, to providing critical intelligence on Goa'uld System Lord and troop movements, he is the one person the SGC can count on to continue the fight, no matter what happens.
He has amazing self control, restraining himself to calm actions when others would often fly off the handle, but he has been known to lose his temper when his close friends and family are threatened. He places his honor and duty above his own personal welfare and would gladly give up his life if it meant freedom for the Jaffa and the continued existence of Earth.
Teal'c recently lost his symbiote, and now relies on the drug Tretonin to sustain him.
Teal’c often times doesn’t use full sentences and likes using words like “Indeed” and “I see.”
Teal'c later lead the Jaffa Rebellion to victory over the Goa'uld at Dakara.
Teal'c once drank a half-gallon of steaming hot coffee in a single swallow while under the influence of an alien implant.
While trapped in a time loop in "Window of Opportunity", Teal'c learned juggling and Latin out of boredom.
Teal'c actually does have a sense of humor, just a different one from his Earth friends, as evidenced by his example of "Jaffa jokes" in the episode "Seth".
When off-duty, Teal'c is frequently seen wearing Hawaiian-style shirts.
In a handful of episodes, Teal'c wears a floppy-brimmed hat and goes by the nickname "Murray" when trying to pose as human.