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Turbo Jets and Fan Jets

I'm not expert on aircraft propulsion, but it's my understanding that the DC-8 (as do most commercial jets) use Turbo Fan engines, which actually do get most of their thrust from the fan in front the turbine, not from the jet exhaust. So L. Ron's description does make some sense. I draw the line at accepting that anybody would design a spaceship that looked like a DC-8!

Except that there is no air in space for the front turbo fans to pull in! In space, all the thrust has to come from the jet exhaust. Hubbard ain't no rocket scientist, that's for certain.

Intergalactic Walrus

Mauritz' Rule: Anything containing the words "Intergalactic Walrus" cannot possibly be serious.

How dare you. This is sacred religious scripture! - David Gerard 01:46, 22 Mar 2005 (UTC)

"Space planes"

I think the material that was just removed, about Hubbard not explaining why a space plane would have wings and a tail, deserves consideration. Airplanes have wings and tails because that is necessary for their purpose of flight: form follows function. Hubbard would appear to be claiming, though, that the DC-8 is shaped the way it is not because that is an extremely functional design for an airplane that needs to manuever through the air, but because it is a subconscious repetition of the shape of one of Xenu's space planes, which does not need wings or tail to manuever through the airless vacuum of space. -- Antaeus Feldspar 17:26, 22 Mar 2005 (UTC)

A space plane by definition is an aerospace vehicle, a craft which can travel both in atmosphere and vacuum, both in free fall and under lift. As such, it needs lifting surfaces and stabilizers for aerial flight. The design of the DC-8 would not be viable as a space plane under Earth technology, but we're talking about advanced aliens here. While there are plenty of absurdities in the Xenu story, a "space plane" having wings and a tail is not one of them. (Consider that the Space Shuttle, sometimes described as a "space plane", has wings and a tail!) --FOo 18:56, 22 Mar 2005 (UTC)
Good point. There isn't anything in the Xenu story to confirm or deny the notion of the planes being intended to operate in air as well as space. -- Antaeus Feldspar 21:55, 22 Mar 2005 (UTC)

Did somebody just superimpose a picture of an airplane over a picture of some stars? I don't know how helpful or illustrative that is. Everyking 08:16, 18 May 2005 (UTC)

It's a literal depiction of what Hubbard describes - a DC-8 flying through space. It's in exactly the same spirit as, say Image:Noahs_Ark.jpg. -- ChrisO 09:01, 18 May 2005 (UTC)
Agreed, however it's not showing up in the article for myself any longer. Any clue as to why? It seems fine. -- Consumed Crustacean | Talk | 02:26, Jun 14, 2005 (UTC)
It's still in the article. There've been problems with the servers lately, so maybe the image server was acting up? -- ChrisO 06:27, 14 Jun 2005 (UTC)
I just can't see the thumbnail, though the above picture looks fine. I can click the button and see the image, however. Probably just a sever issue as you said. -- Consumed Crustacean | Talk | 00:27, Jun 15, 2005 (UTC)

Judge Leonie Brinkema's opinion

Our anons inserted this material in the middle of a sentence, and how seriously they took it is shown by the fact that the end of their insert made no sense whatever when the poor, bewildered, violated sentence resumed. Here it is for anyone who feels like mining it for any actual usable material. -- Antaeus Feldspar 01:16, 23 Jun 2005 (UTC):

scanned, OCR'd and converted to text and posted onto the newsgroup alt.religion.scientology by Arnie Lerma, which resulted in the August 1995 raid of his home, and the resulting a multi milltion dollar Federal lawsuit, which became Religious Technology Center (Scientology) vs Arnaldo Lerma, Richard Leiby, and The Washington Post.

4 October 1996 - Memorandum Opinion [1] ([ Full Text ]- Judge Leonie Brinkema

"The dispute in this case surrounds Lerma's acquisition and publication on the Internet of texts that the Church of Scientology considers sacred and protects heavily from unauthorized disclosure. Founded by L. Ron Hubbard, the Scientology religion attempts to explain the origin of negative spiritual forces in the world and advances techniques for improving one's own spiritual well-being. Scientologists believe that most human problems can be traced to lingering spirits of an extraterrestrial people massacred by their ruler, Xenu, over 75 million years ago. These spirits attach themselves by "clusters" to individuals in the contemporary world, causing spiritual harm and negatively influencing the lives of their hosts "

The files posted by Lerma were webbed by over 200 sites, in August 1995 legal threats of litigation forced them all to vanish, until all that were left were the site of David S. Touretzky and Karin Spaink


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