nice little article. like the pictures. wish i could think of something to add.
well, some one said they wish i could contribute a lil more, so i have. a little history on the city of Tijuana.
I'm not sure what's wrong with the infobox. Can someone please look at the code and fix it? — J3ff 09:43, 28 Mar 2005 (UTC)
Some minor edits (just made):
1) Added "in Tijuana" to the end of this sentence: "In 1994 PRI presidential candidate Luis Donaldo Colosio was assassinated."
2) Added "-San Ysidro" and slighly reworded this sentence: "Tijuana is now the most crossed border in the world."
3) Deleted this sentence: "The city of Tijuana promises a better life style and standard of living than ever before and has made use of its phenomenal multi-level demographics." If someone can rewrite it and then add it back please do so... I just can't make any sense of it or figure out what context it brings.
Also, while I didn't change any of the following, could someone clarify this paragraph:
"The international events of the following years had profound repercussions on the city. Tourism increased significantly as innumerable Americans came to Tijuana to enjoy the nightlife. In addition, the large number of Mexican citizens from all over the country began to relocate to Tijuana, tripling the population. From 21,971 inhabitants in 1940, the city grew in excess of 65,364 by 1950. In the 1950's when, nightlife and tourism began to decline, the city started to restruct its tourist industry, by promoting a more family orientated scene. Tijuana began to develop a greater variety of attractions and activities to offer its visitors.
Anyways, great job by the authors!