Talk:Taiwan Province

Reworded the sentence a but. I know some people from Taiwan who aren't strong pro-independence supporters but get annoyed when the term Taiwan province is used by the PRC. -- User:Roadrunner, July 2003

The government seems to still refer to the "Chairperson" as the "provincial governor":

I think the website in Chinese uses the term "zhuxi", which translates into "Chairman". Can someone with slightly more literacy than me verify this? --Jiang 09:01, 21 Sep 2003 (UTC)

On this blinking smiley-filled, yet official, page (, it translates it into "chairman". The Australian page is either informal or trapped back in time. --Menchi 10:08, 11 Nov 2003 (UTC)

No, that's not the real governor. Who is he? His name is Lin, not Fan. The term is used here [1] ( --Jiang 11:03, 11 Nov 2003 (UTC)

This is strange. The Chinese version ( does call him zhuxi! And the vice-chairman isn't the same in Chinese ( & English ( Why would there be two zhuxi and two fu-zhuxi in one province?! --Menchi 11:11, 11 Nov 2003 (UTC)
It turns out that Lin is the new chairman! It happened just last month. Li was a former magistrate of Hsinchu County. [2] ( [3] ( --Menchi 11:14, 11 Nov 2003 (UTC)

We call the zhuxi of the People's Republic of China the "president" even though the term was translated as chairman in the past. The "former governors" page seems not to make a distinction between the zhuxi and shengzhang. --Jiang 03:08, 12 Nov 2003 (UTC)


Does the PRC have any sort of government-in-exile for Taiwan Province? Morwen 15:40, May 21, 2004 (UTC)

I remember reading something about there being "representitives" for Taiwan at the last CCP meeting, however none of them had ever been to Taiwan.... I'm not sure how they were chosen. Loren 07:08, 12 Sep 2004 (UTC)

Taiwan was never ceded to ROC

Everyone should be cautious about using the term cede. Taiwan was never ceded to ROC. If anyone does not agree, please show us a treaty says so. I can not believe this blatant POV can stay on the article without drawing people's attention.Mababa 04:28, 8 Dec 2004 (UTC)

The statement you are making is in itself POV. You claim it wasnt ceded, other claim it was. Let's leave it at that. --Jiang 20:25, 8 Dec 2004 (UTC)

Yes, thanks for your comment. I was actually planning to rephrase it. What I was saying is indeed my POV, but a factual one. Even though I understand that the policy is to write what people believe not what the true fact is, I still want make this in the record: there is not a single treaty in this universe makes Taiwan ceded to ROC. Unless someone come from a parallele universe. If one insists to have the old statement in the article claiming: "Taiwan transfered to Japan" and "Taiwan was ceded to ROC", then we should make everyone be informed that which one has a treaty to back their ruling and which one does not. I am totally happy with the current version. Yes, let's leave it as it is now. :)Mababa 06:33, 9 Dec 2004 (UTC)


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