So if I say: I absolutley think that this topic has become another topic like Aragorn's, you'll agree with me Markro ??
I think we should include a glossary (in table form) of Sindarin roots commonly seen in geographic names, i.e. mor, duin, etc. I don't have time to do it today, but I think it would be a good idea.
- I agree. A lot of the naming elements in Lord Of The Rings appear a number of times, so the more common ones should probably be characterised. Here's a short list (I don't have the skill yet for a full HTML table):
Sindarin English Example amon hill Amon Sûl "Hill of Wind", Emyn Beraid "Tower Hills" ang iron Angband "Iron Prison" angren of iron Angrenost "Fortress of Iron", Ered Engrin "Mountains of Iron" annon door, gate Morannon "Black Gate" barad tower Barad-dûr "Dark Tower" celeb silver Celeborn "Silvertree" dôr land Gondor "Stone Land", Mordor "Black Land" duin river Anduin "Long River" dûr dark Durthang "Dark Oppression" iâ void, abyss Moria "Black Abyss" mith grey Mithrandir "Grey Pilgrim" mor black Morannon "Black Gate" orn tree Celeborn "Silvertree", Fangorn "Treebeard" orod mountain Orodruin "Red Flame Mountain" ril brilliance mithril "grey brilliance"
- There's a big glossary of the more common terms in the back of the Silmarillion.