Talk:Organizers of the September 11, 2001 attacks

hello i think it is awful what happened september 11. evn though it has been almost 4 weeks it still really bothers me.i feel that the us could have done more to prevent this from happening.y didnt they do this?how did the hijackers get through at the airport?how do we know this might not happen again? this are questions that i often ask myself. i feel sry for all the kids who lost parents who while watching the tv that day at school knowing that their parent(s) worked hard it must have been that night not knowing if ur loved one was ok or not.the only thing to do was wait to see if they come home or not. what were the pplz thinkin when they did this?y would they take there their life not to mention thousands of others.i dont know how everyone else feels about this but it bothers me that there was ppl still in there a live after a few days but they made no effort to get them out maybe they tried i dont know but th

I have heard reports that one of the hijackers was 41 and left a family with children behind. I can't locate those reports anywhere on the web, and I don't know the guy's name. Does anybody have details? --AxelBoldt

I recommend checking New York Times stories; it's probably somewhere in there. --TheCunctator

See also : September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attack

All of the following text removed since it isn't really about the perpetrators. Assuming that it isn't already there, it should be merged intto tone of the other articles.

American Airlines flight 11 is crashed into the north side of the northern tower of the World Trade Center at 8:46 AM EDT (Accounts of the attack have given times that range from 8:45 to 8:48 AM EDT). A member of the flight crew pressed a switch that permitted air traffic controllers to overhear at 8:28 AM EDT: "Don't do anything foolish. You are not going to get hurt. We have more planes. We have other planes."

A passenger on United Airlines flight 175, Peter Hanson, called his father from the plane reporting that hijackers were stabbing flight attendants in order to force the crew to open the cockpit doors. At 9:03 AM EDT, the plane is crashed into the south side of the southern tower of the World Trade Center.

On American Airlines flight 77, Barbara K. Olson called her husband, United States Solicitor General Theodore Olson at the Justice Department at 9:25 from the plane to tell him about the hijacking and to report that the passengers and pilots were held in the back of the plane. It is crashed into the western side of The Pentagon at 9:37 AM EDT, starting a violent fire.

On United Airlines flight 93, a passenger reached officials on his cell phone from the plane's rest room, repeatedly saying that the plane was hijacked and that the call was not a hoax. Passengers speaking on cell phones had learned about the World Trade Center crashes and were planning on resisting the hijackers. One passenger told his wife that one person had already been stabbed to death by the hijackers. There is speculation that the passengers' resistance led to the plane crashing before it reached its intended target. At 10:10 AM EDT (other accounts say 10:03 AM EDT and 10:06 AM EDT), the plane crashed southeast of Pittsburgh , near Shanksville in Somerset county, Pennsylvania.

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helpful news item

It looks like this news item [1] ( would be useful to the people working on this article. Kingturtle 04:36, 28 Nov 2003 (UTC)


Why is this called "Protagonists" when that either means the lead character in a story or the champion of a cause. It is not POV to show the attackers as "champions". - Texture 20:21, 12 Feb 2004 (UTC)

I moved the page to "Organizers of the September 11, 2001 attacks" because of this. —Mulad 06:42, 10 Mar 2004 (UTC)

Misidentification of hijackers.


Once again, you done some great work and added fascinating info I hadn't known. But once again, I disagree with a statement you made. You can probably guess what it is. :)

Despite persistent rumours there is no evidence of travel under false passports or misidentification of hijackers. The fact that some people with the same names as some of the hijackers merely shows the coincidence of a small number of names used by a very large population.

I'm not comfortable with that being stated as a fact. For details, see Talk:Abdulaziz al-Omari and Talk:Waleed al-Shehri. And possibly others as well. Quadell (talk) 23:07, Jul 26, 2004 (UTC)

Please add this to common myths regarding hijackers

Many conspiracy sites claim that some hijackers are still alive. Please note these articles

This has been refuted by many sources. For example the ABC story states that there is another Ahmed Alnami who is ten years younger, and appears to be dead, according to his father. [ABC News, 3/15/02] There is a second pair of Saudi brothers named Wail and Waleed M. Their father says they've been missing since December 2000. [ABC News, 3/15/02, Arab News, 9/17/01]

During the Dateline NBC Aug 25 article: They had an exclusive interview with brother of two hijackers Wail al Shahiri, and Waleed al Shahiri. NBC went to Saudi Arabia.

Also see this article regarding the BBC's incorrect information,1518,265160,00.html

The BBC (amd other reports) were based on articles in Arab newspapers, such as the Arab News, an English-language Saudi newspaper. Managing Editor John Bradley stated that the "reporters did not speak directly with the "survivors," and that the photographs quickly resolved the nonsense about surviving terrorists. Another reporter where these stories originated (Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper reporter named Mohammed Samman), confirms this.


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