(I've added Pics for almost all OSes, even thou they are Cute. I Still think the Blue XP is Pro, but doesn't look it I know.
Contents |
Question about copyrights
I'm working hard to keep this page translated in the italian Wikipedia, but I came across a big problem.
The memebers keep annoying me about the copyright on the images - wich is not set.
The question is: "How can I make them stop?"
I'm trying to tell them the characters aren't copyrighted as the result of a collective artistical creation but they do not seem to understand and tell me that it is not possible to use those images without permission.
Can anyone help me? Thanks in advance.
- Unfortunately, I think the others are right. Individual images are copyrighted by the artist, even if the subject of the image is "collectively created". However, AIUI Japanese IP law has substantial gray areas, so I can't be really sure. Clippings from the images may be considered fair use. — Gwalla | Talk 20:36, 11 Sep 2004 (UTC)</p>
Uhm... so there's no problem about those pictures?
- I wouldn't say outright that there's no problem. I don't think there's a problem, but I'm not a lawyer, and definitely not a Japanese copyright lawyer. — Gwalla | Talk 18:10, 12 Sep 2004 (UTC)
- Generally those artist only state their work can be use on any non-commercial product, so I can't say there's problem or not... maybe we should try to send a email and ask for their permission? --kctsang 01:53, 13 Sep 2004 (UTC)
I'm quite sure there is no *BSD-tan, is *BSD dying after all ;)? Believe in the BSD Power!
Most of the entry deletions seem to come from 220.240.x.x. Probably one guy who gets a dynamic IP from his ISP. Is there anything that can be done about it?
RE: vandalism ==
Well theres not much that can be done unless this artcle is protected from being edited, but I think thats not possible. The only thing I can think of is to complain to their ISP about it, but that might take awhile (will ask my brother to find ISP of the latest IP via some way he finds out :P) then find out from there.
other then that theres no way at the moment.
(just looked up myself and heres the results: Your inquiry: Country/area allocated: Australia
Will look up more)
Now a message from my brother. ( resolves to can anyone understand this?)
- He's got a dynamic IP from this ISP: Comindico ( -- Pipian
There's a regular idlechanner who always comes from that particular Comindico router, and I've never seen anyone else from the Sydney/Australia scene that uses Comindico being an ass.. -- cjb
- Christ, someone has really been busy. I'm allmost ready to suggest protection. --Paul Soth 21:59, 10 Sep 2004 (UTC)
- Okay, it seems like someone vandalizes the page every day now. I propose Protection. --Paul Soth 13:41, 17 Sep 2004 (UTC)
Found stuff on wikipedia
I found this while going around.
Wikipedia:Vandalism in progress
Hope it helps with the Annoying Person.
other girls
This is an adult link, but also goes through most of the girls, including some rare ones.
Also, I know there's some more video game console inspired artwork out there, but haven't been able to locate it.
No More 5chan?
Have we all come to an agreement to lean towards idlechan now? --Ghost Freeman 20:06, 18 Jul 2004 (UTC)
- Well I'm not bothered with either as I could simplily visit either of them. Jim-San
- Idlechan??? O_o -- Xabora 00:57, 30 Jul 2004 (UTC)
- I think idlechan is the replacement to 4chan. Jim-San
- 4chan is back up now, and 5chan is having a closed beta after they got DOSed. There's a lot of controversy over the heated relationship between the *chans, which should stay on their respective pages. I think we should just mention 2chan here and link to it's article, since that's where it began, lest we get bias between 5channers, 4channers, and idlechanners (or even 2channers). MardukZero 03:46, 14 Sep 2004 (UTC)
- I see, thanks... And sorry about the edit on your post... I clicked add and it popped it with yours. O_o Xabora 00:51, 31 Jul 2004 (UTC)
I came here from the link on Village Pump. I'm speechless in amazement. The article is fine work, but just the idea of these personifications is so sublimely absurd. I love it. older≠wiser 16:57, 2 Aug 2004 (UTC)
Great on Redesign
Just popped up to check whats new on OS-Tan page and its been redeisned, nice work whoever did it :D
Flash animation music
The paragraph on the "Troubled Windows" Flash cartoon contradicts itself WRT the music used:
- There also exists a Macromedia Flash Animation showing a possible intro to a hypothetical, but highly unlikely, anime show, Troubled Windows ( The music is Sakuranbo Kiss, by KOTOKO. The music is Our Xenopittan, from the Xenosaga Freaks Reservation Privilege CD.
So, which tune is it? Sakuranbo Kiss or Our Xenopittan? — Gwalla | Talk 23:00, 22 Aug 2004 (UTC)
- Look at [1] ( and all shall become clear. cesarb 23:16, 22 Aug 2004 (UTC)
Thanks for correcting
I know my English is terrible, as English is not my mother tongue...thanks Gwalla for correcting my works.
Linux hellbeast
Can anyone explain what's up with the monstrous, bearded, helmeted penguin holding a spear (and frequently drawn with three erect penises)? It seems to be a sort of Linux "mascot", but how does it relate to Linux-tan? In one strip Linux-tan seems to turn into it. — Gwalla | Talk 19:12, 27 Aug 2004 (UTC)
- I think that it represents Linux and some of its tools (i.e. helmet -> KDE, 3 penises are GRUB, LILO and GCC) i think.
Possible copyvio?
Do we know if the pictures in this article are actually okay to use? I get the impression that they are most certainly not public domain. Kairos 07:14, 30 Aug 2004 (UTC)
The anti-netrunner banner should be ok. For those avatar image, at least the designer of ME-tan allow anybody to use it's artwork for doujin, so it should be ok too. Does anyone has link to those avatar image designer's homepage? --kctsang 02:25, 31 Aug 2004 (UTC)
Just find another designer's site. (XP-tan, Norton, Trend Micro, MS-DOS)
The designer declare that anyone can use it's design freely if it's not related to any commercial activities, such as doujin or non-commercial homepage.
--kctsang 02:36, 31 Aug 2004 (UTC)
...which unfortunately isn't permissive enough to be kosher with the GDL. --cjb
Yeah. I doubt the designers would FDL these things. They are too used to the anime-world idea that non-commercial = legal; thus they would probably say just say tis' not for the commercial stuff.
Or I could be suprised by them. Probably not.
Regular 2ch/2chan in-jokes
I think it might be worth mentioning some of the regular 2ch memes that the OS-tans find themselves involved with. For starters, there's the Moomins (?spelling), taken from a Finnish children's book and cartoon... --cjb
The origins of the 98-tan 'mech suit'-- from the anime "Konjiki no Gash Bell"; it was a toy, the 'Vulcan 300', made from chopsticks and a snack box. --cjb
Is this for real?
Or someone's idea of a joke? -Joseph (Talk) 19:05, 2004 Sep 13 (UTC)
- No it's real(although M$ may think it's a joke :) ). At least I have a figure of ME-tan, and more figure will be released.--kctsang 01:21, 14 Sep 2004 (UTC)
I've moved this from the article to the talk page: Kairos 03:52, 17 Sep 2004 (UTC)
The creators called "Deja Vu" for these characters are unlike person among Futaba society. Because they denied Toshiaki and Futaba society. But they took only charactors' design for their web site and comic book. Also behaved as originator for these OS tans. Many people(Toshiaki) advised them but they never changed thier opinion and position. BOOT LEGGER!!
It would appear that the entry above was made by a Japanese fan of the OS Tan movement. I believe he or she is trying to say the following. Please correct me if I am wrong:
The dojin artists who identify themselves as "Deja Vu" are not part of the Futaba community - and in fact, are banned from it. They are also not liked by Toshiaki (the original creator of the OS Tans I assume). "Deja Vu" exploited the OS Tan movement for their own gain, and have even claimed to be the originators of it. The Futaba community and Toshiaki have complained of this, but they refuse to change their position.
This said, it would appear that the "Sabas" and "Deja Vu" series are illegal (as ironic as that is). The primary source of the pirate(?) OS Tan strips is from here:</i>
- I have been the site above and found some information. "Deja Vu" is a doujin group, and recently they have argue between people of Futaba in:
cosplaying 2K-tan, but posting the photo of the costume on their own site while the original tailor only permit posting the photo on membership based cosplay sitepublishing doujin manga (name:共有フォルDA!), and claiming OS-tans is original character in this manga (although now the site stating that two Toshiaki is the designer of ME and XPone artist of Deja Vu worked for Netrunner (not major factor)
UPDATED - They publish 2K-tan manga on Netrunner, and they admit that in their webpage at first, although later they claim Netrunner published their manga without permission, when people from Futaba accuse them.
(Please see full article for updated/corrected information)
- the detail involved in such dispute is still unknown, and the site above obviously provide some "facts" showing they are innocent, but I think we should look for some infomation published by those against "Deja Vu". Here ( is one homepage with information about the event, together with log of thread in Futaba Channel. Anybody with good Japanese understanding have a look? --kctsang 07:10, 24 Sep 2004 (UTC)
To 2chan user
The article of Deja vu dispute is finally updated, because there are so many infomation, and the article must keep NPOV.
As most of the info about OS-tan come from Japanese site, it's hard for people without good Japanese knowledge to provide absolute correct infomation(e.g. OS-tan has no relation to Gigabyte's mascot) and keep the article update. So please 2chan user come and kindly provide information, or at least update the Japanese version of OS-tan page, so we can provide more updated and accurate information here.
>>(2chan discussion thread part 5)152
There are no need for apologise, as I didn't found the whole discussion thread in 2chan until today. In fact I should apologise for writing inaccurate information above, as I am a Chinese in Hong Kong with only basic knowledge on Japanese language. Please kindly provide more information for us to improve this article.--kctsang 07:10, 24 Sep 2004 (UTC)
Also, does anyone from 2chan can confirm whatever we can use those pictures in article or not? --kctsang 07:45, 24 Sep 2004 (UTC)
some other characters :P
While looking for more OS-Tan comics to read on one of the sites, I found theres a few more characters of Systems and Programs.
Otaku Bell (
Theres also a Java Girl about the size of WinCE and some other pics, might want to look into adding them if needed.
--Jim-San 23:47, 25 Sep 2004 (UTC)
- But seems 2chan user consider they are not part of OS-tan, some users in 2chan even suggest deleting Firefox and Win95 OSR2.5... I don't think they should be deleted, but instead stated they are not from 2chan.
- --kctsang 00:27, 26 Sep 2004 (UTC)
- I have moved the Firefox and Thunderbird to Mozilla-tan and there they are not said to be from 2chan. --TIB (talk) 06:01, Sep 29, 2004 (UTC)
Current status between 2chan and Deja vu
Chaotic. Today all related discussion thread in 2chan is deleted, and a lot of blog and bbs have related discussion. I will attempt to update the article when more conclusion can be made.
--kctsang 14:13, 27 Sep 2004 (UTC)
95: "being an older version of "modern" Windows, is usually represented as a traditional lady from Japan. She is a gentle-looking brown haired woman in a kimono, with a hair ribbon showing the four Windows colors."
- These two sentences are mutually-exclusive, as is the picture with the former.
2003 Server (Saba): Saba is a pun, as it is both the literal sound of "Server" in Japanese, and the word for mackerel, as well.
- Saba sounds nothing like server.
DOS/V: She is about the same size as DOS but has long grey-blue hair and a dark bodysuit.
- The image doesn't show grey-blue hair.
kctsang, please stop misspelling "its", treating "do" as a nonauxiliary verb, and not conjugating for number and person. lysdexia 22:10, 6 Nov 2004 (UTC)
- I suspect that kctsang is not a native English speaker. There's no need to start slinging insults. — Gwalla | Talk 03:55, 7 Nov 2004 (UTC)
The read about XP was just too funny :) --Chealer 05:21, 2004 Nov 11 (UTC)
Lindows or Linspire?
Although Lindows are now called Linspire, the character itself is designed when Lindows is still Lindows. Which one should be used, Linspire-tan or Lindows-tan? Personally I prefer Lindows-tan. (As shown in Japanese site) --kctsang 16:53, 17 Nov 2004 (UTC)
Mix up with Pro and Home
Just to let you know that the XP with long hair with blue and white coloured clothes and a blue square as a background (in the image that I added ages back) is XP Professional, not the green one on on the other side which is green instead of blue, she happens to be the Home Edition of Win XP.
Here are the things that point to this:
1. The colour scheme to Pro is Blue, Home is Green link in the images.
2. Image of XP Pro (
another Image of XP Pro (
A bit of Fanservice from XP Pro (
Note these links may note work, but are found on Troubled Windows Images (
3. Comic with XP Home in it. (
This kinda proves that they have been put the wrong way round, plus when naming my images I kinda put thier proper names in it. ex. xpp-jpb.jpg for pro ex. xph-jpb.jpg for home
Something to note: in the 'early' days of the XP Pro character being developed, XP/Home had a few apperances that accentuated 'how dumb she was', compared to her hard-working twin sister. "XP/Home-maker"?
Regarding the "-ko" suffix, I recall only seeing that from one or two Western artists who were trying to 'invent' the character (mumblefortheirownglory). The Futabas and Nijiura sites predominately use "-tan".
- Maybe Lindows/Linspire (Negi-ko) is an exception? Anyway, Firefox-tan/Firefox-ko is not designed from Nijiura users, and I remember some link from Firefox-tan show she is called Firefox-ko. --kctsang 02:21, 1 Dec 2004 (UTC)
- There's an explanation for why she's called Firefox-ko at the bottom of this page ( In addition, a quick bit of research shows that the most common version is not the one in shrine maiden garb; indeed, I could find only one image depicting Firefox-ko in that costume, but a great number using Inugamix's version. Googling for "Firefox(ko) (miko)" or "Firefox(tan) (miko)", using the appropriate kana for (tan) and kanji for (ko)/(miko) has not produced any results (which is a shame; I like the shrine maiden version better). 2chan's Net Chara board doesn't have any versions of Firefox right now, so that's a dead end too.
Moved the 'firefox-tan' and thunderbird gallery links here-- having one particular entry resemble an image shrine (with links that'll undoubtably break in future) is Poor Style. They can be relocated into the 'External Links' section if necessary, although I suggest balance with regard for the rest of the material. (I've since discovered it was a merge from the deleted Firefox-tan article.)
- Linux萌え萌え大作戦 Moe Moe Project (りも) (
- Inugamix's version (
- yoko's versions: 1 (, 2 (
- temp_h's work (
- wizneko's work ( (webpage (
- karokaro's version (
- rerofumi's version (
- TOYBOXARTS verson (
- With Friends
- Sako's version ( (webpage ( - With 2K-tan
- Inugamix's version (
- yoko's version (
- karokaro's version (
- SpreadFirefox - Japanese MANGA works (
- SpreadFirefox - Backgrounds, a little different. (
- SpreadFirefox - More Firefox, T-bird stuff ( (same author)
- SpreadFirefox - Spread Firefox with Firefox / Thunderbird-tan / ko ( - Contains information on the -tan fanart
- temp_h's work ( (Firefox and Thunderbird)
- Linux萌え萌え大作戦 Moe Moe Project (りも) (
- Inugamix's version (
- yoko's versions: 1 (, 2 (
- temp_h's work (
- wizneko's work ( (webpage (
- karokaro's version (
- rerofumi's version (
- TOYBOXARTS verson (
- With Friends
- Sako's version ( (webpage ( - With 2K-tan
RE: Possible copyvio?
Well to anwser where the avatar Images came from, I kinda edited a Image that had them all on into single character images, the picture I used is on the OS-Tan Image gallery under All OSes here:
All Os-Tan Characters Image (
If that don't work its on page 7 of All OSes in the Gallery
Not sure who made that image thou, but I cut it up for the images on this article
Jim-San 23:33, 28 Nov 2004 (UTC)
Lost the XP OS-tan!
Hey, where'd the XP OS-tan go? Kim Bruning 03:33, 12 Dec 2004 (UTC)
Anyone have a link to copland art or comics to back up the entry? This is the first I've heard of it, and the thumbnail looks a little suspect.
Never heard of her before, so my guess it was probably a one-off, and is certainly not an official OS-Girl. I'll nuke the entry. --cjb
"Official" OS-tan? You mean Futaba-only? That's hardly fun, especially if it means restrictions on what is essentially a fan-gush about creating personalities for operating systems. Does Futaba hold exclusive licenses to produce images for all the OS? And who are YOU?
Don't be so stuffy. I thought the entry I wrote said it all about the Lain and Copeland relationship, but perhaps you didn't read it? Here are some entries that go into greater detail:
And, please don't nuke anyone's entries out of hand. --seaweb
- However this is the article for OS-tan from Futaba, and I don't see this design is popular enough to be mentioned (in fact I never see it before). Even your info is worth mention in some article, it should go to article about Lain. --kctsang 01:47, 12 Jan 2005 (UTC)
- This is not the place to introduce your own new characters. -- 06:10, 12 Jan 2005 (UTC)
The OS-kun archive -- IP address sensitive?
I definitely get a broken link with the address, and being a JP image archive, I think it's possible they're using some kind of IP blocking, albeit only filtering on well-known netblock ranges that're letting 24.114.252.* through. Can anyone else from a netblock > reach it? --Chris.j.Baird
About those removed "certain words"
I think "sexy" is a accurate and fair description for XP-tan(please don't consider "cute version" XP-tan only, but also those those normal scale illustration as well). --kctsang 06:23, 4 Jan 2005 (UTC)
RE: About those removed "certain words"
I don't think theres anything wrong with saying that about XP-tan, if she were real she'ld prob like being called sexy as that seems to be what sheld like to be called...if she was real of course *starts to look about while everyone is slowly walking away* lol
Jim-San 23:10, 4 Jan 2005 (UTC)
See the article for Internet_troll: "...that are solely intended to provoke responses from others either Socratically or to cause annoyance or offense." ... has a history of adding messages like that to Wikipedia. And I can't for an instant believe the guy is genuinely offened by XP-tan the most, considering the far more 'lolicore' characters like 98-tan were ignored...
Needs Less "One-off" Mascots
Let's keep the focus of the article on the mascot-tans that're actually in popular usage-- and not just index everything that has had a single-example picture drawn (*cough* 'Firebird-ko', 'Copland-tan', 'Seiko-Watch-Running-OSX-via-PearPC-On-Debian-tan', etc.)
- I agree. The Mozilla mascots really have nothing to do with the OS-tan, except maybe being inspired by them, so they should at most have a separate article. And the ones that haven't become established yet shouldn't be here at all until they catch on. — Gwalla | Talk 08:04, 25 Jan 2005 (UTC)
- I've removed the "others" from the "other" section. I've never seen any of those. A separate Mozilla article was made, but merged back into this one eventually. I'm kind of iffy on keeping firebird. It's only one image, and the character isn't going to see much use with Firefox's popularity.-- 21:42, 25 Jan 2005 (UTC)
- Perhaps we should establish guidelines for inclusion of new characters, at the least it'll be a good way to keep artists from including their own little creations. I figure that a character must be used by at least one or two other artists other then the creator and the submitter must provide links to works (on the talk page) showing the character in use. --Paul Soth 02:38, 26 Jan 2005 (UTC)
- There have been several images of console mascots by different artists, think should we include them too? Trying to come up with some hard and fast rules for inclusion isn't going work. I think it's going to have to be on a case by case basis, especially for somewhat popular mascots like the browsers, that have art from multiple users but aren't in common use. -- 06:38, 30 Jan 2005 (UTC)
- 'Opera-tan' probably needs to go, as imho it fits the one-off criterion. --cjb 10:11, 26 Jan 2005 (UTC)
- Don't remove Opera/Firefox/Thunderbird/Whatever-tan/ko, unless there is another article that covers them. Opera-tan was created by Lawrence's article. Why do you think she is not popular then? There are several artists (the ones who create Firefox/Thunderbird-lo) that create Opera-tan. You should do a Google search of Opera-tan [2] ( Firefox/Thunderbird-ko are popular so they should stay too. --Minghong 21:08, 29 Jan 2005 (UTC)
- These three are never used in conjunction with the OS-tan, so they don't belong here. It's like including a character from a Star Wars fanfic in a list of Star Wars characters. Feel free to go into the page history and recover the removed text for a separate article. — Gwalla | Talk 02:51, 30 Jan 2005 (UTC)
- You misunderstood my point... Although they are not OS-tans, they are similar. Also, Firefox/Thunderbird-ko was once belong to "Mozilla-tan", but it was people'e decision to merge them back. So before they have their own article (with enough content), they should just stay here for a while... --Minghong 04:47, 30 Jan 2005 (UTC)
- I understood your point completely, but you're ignoring mine. They don't belong here because they are not OS-tans. They were just inspired by the OS-tans. Dungeons & Dragons was (partly) inspired by Lord of the rings, but that doesn't mean the former subject belongs in an article on the latter. Similarity and inspiration are not equivalence. — Gwalla | Talk 01:19, 31 Jan 2005 (UTC)
- Maybe create a new page called "Software personification" (seems to too broad as OS is a software), "Application personification" (or "Application software personification") or "Web browser personification" (seems to too narrow) and move all these 3 there. Personally I think "Application software personification" would be the best, through a length name... Agree? --Minghong 04:56, 30 Jan 2005 (UTC)
- I don't think that will do any good. No one uses those names to refer to them. Plus, what the mascots are is already covered here, so it'd be redundant. As for Opera-tan. On the one hand, it's only been around for a couple of weeks. However in that time it already has almost as much art as Firefox, and probably more than Thunderbird. [3] ( But in the end it's probably too early to include here. Sure it's inspired a bit of artwork for now, but if it stops there it might as well be a one-off like the mascots for Slackware and Google. Come to think of it, I haven't seen any new Firefox art in a while, and even less of Thunderbird. If you're that set on including Opera-tan, why not put it in the Opera_(browser) article as an "Unofficial mascot"? On a side note, I'm removing the breast size mention about Opera. None of the images make reference as to whether the system requirements have anything to do with the design. Compare that to the frequent references to XP's breasts and hunger in comics and individual images.-- 06:38, 30 Jan 2005 (UTC)
Hard And Fast Rule #1: If the Toshiaki haven't recognised it at least a dozen times, we don't use it. Firefox-ko/-tan and Thunderbird have been appearing in their imageboards on a regular basis and in at least one Doujinshi (although I'll note the Red Panda version of Firefox girl is about as popular as the Kitsune variation), so the Mozilla girls can get to stay. However, "0pera-tan" has appeared as often as Amy the Squirrel... never. --cjb
Images within the pages
ive added a few images which seem to be pretty constant (the long haired longhorn, Buster, Miss Mcafee) and im wondering if there is a consistant design for the images, ie 100x100 pixels, black square outside and a solid filled background with white edge? edit them if it is.
also i changed the link to the original 'trouble windows' intro sequence to a straight .swf link and also provided a link to the closing credits .swf --Kommando 18:01 31st Jan 2005
- Direct linking is poor net.etiquette; plus the site relies on banner ads to support the costs of hosting, which regardless of your opinion, is still an implied 'condition' of providing the file to you. Change reverted. --cjb
I've never seen that alternate Longhorn character before, and there's certainly other more popular alts. The design with the blue hair and horns does seem to have become the standard now. --cjb
- That longhorn seems to be used as much as any other from what I've seen. [4] ( I don't think there's any longhorn "standard" yet.-- 22:47, 31 Jan 2005 (UTC)
- Going by the 2chan boards, that is. A lot more OS-tan art appears there than at Nijiura, the latter only archiving the higher-quality stuff, and so not quite preserving the popular acceptance of any one design... --cjb
- Its kinda rude just to revert it all back to the original form without possibly even correcting the links to go 'up' a level or even throw the links into the "External Links" section. i understand that I was a bit n00bish in my editing, and am not devinely in tune with your net.etiquette, so bear with me while i learn. If you want i can rehost those .swf's for free and provide the links. On the topic of Longhorn-tan going by what ive seen on 2chan, wakachan, 4chan and Nijiura the brown haired Longhorn-tan appears far more often then the blue haired one, so i felt it necessary to provide an image of this popular version. --Kommando
- I reverted the links to what's regarded as the most stable and well-bandwidth'd server for the flash animations (that is, what was there before). The experience with amateur-maintained sites on generic broadband is they don't make great long-term servers, sorry. Also, I've judged popularity by 'the amount of different artists borrowing the same design', not by the 'how many times a small group of people can spamflood their imageboard (*cough* wakachan) with the same pictures over and over.' --cjb
- BTW, you should probably heed the Wikipedia FAQ, and rethink contributing to the site if you can't stand to see thousands of anonymous people butchering what you wrote. --cjb (again)
So why have the os-tans been moved to a separate page? is it to do with page loading times or aesthetics? It looks awfully confusing now without the images and blurbs. --Kommando
- I've followed along with the idea as I can see it improving the article into a better-written 'encyclopedia' style. While the remaining text in the OS-tan article is still very-much a potpourri of information which needs better writing, the spin-off articles are now reasonable by themselves. (It also helps my agenda of keeping the Futaba and non-Futaba characters seperated. :) --
New unofficial OS-tan Wikipedia article
Following the lead to improve the structure of the main OS-tan article, I've created Unofficial_OS-tan_based_Computer_Mascots, with the intention for us to work the appropriate information from this article over to it. --
French translation ?
In my humble opinion, theses contributions about OS-tan are very good ! I discovered the OS-tan few days ago but this trend isn't well known in France. So I'm interested to translate them in french. Don't panic. I know my english is terrible but I'm not bad to understand english writes. But I don't know if I can translate him and re-use pictures freely, the fair use right is a little blur for me...
mAn ^^"
- This site has spaces for translation in French and other languages. [5] ( Don't worry about copyright on the images, these are all made by fans and most people aren't uptight about their images getting passed around. In fact, most of them were uploaded to public image boards by the artists. If you're not too confident on your skills, you can use this collaboration system to work on it with friends! [6] ( Just enter the image address in the bottom of the page and add notes. However, the translation site doesn't allow direct linking so you'll have to host the images yourself or put them in a place like this ( or this ( -- 00:41, 12 May 2005 (UTC)