Talk:List of Middle-earth articles

This is a list of Talk pages for Middle-earth articles. For a discussion of the list itself, see Talk:List of Middle-earth articles/talk.



Talk:Ælfwine - Talk:Abattarik, Ar- - Talk:Adan - Talk:Adanedhel - Talk:Adanel - Talk:Adorn - Talk:Adrahil - Talk:Adrahil II - Talk:Adûnaic - Talk:Adûnakhôr, Ar- - Talk:Adurant - Talk:Adventures of Tom Bombadil, The - Talk:Aeglos - Talk:Aegnor - Talk:Aelin-uial - Talk:Aerin - Talk:Afterborn - Talk:Aftercomers - Talk:Agarwaen - Talk:Ages of Middle-earth - Talk:Agarwaen - Talk:Agathurush - Talk:Aglarond - Talk:Aglon - Talk:Aiglos - Talk:Aikanáro - Talk:Ailinel - Talk:Ainulindalë - Talk:Ainur - Talk:Aiwendil - Talk:Akallabêth - Talk:Alatar - Talk:Alatáriel - Talk:Alcarin, Tar- - Talk:Aldamir - Talk:Aldarion, Tar- - Talk:Aldaron - Talk:Aldburg - Talk:Aldor - Talk:Almaren - Talk:Alqualondë - Talk:Aman - Talk:Amandil - Talk:Amandil, Tar- - Talk:Amanyar - Talk:Amarië - Talk:Ambar - Talk:Ambarkanta - Talk:Amdîr - Talk:Amlaith - Talk:Amon Amarth - Talk:Amon Anwar - Talk:Amon Dîn - Talk:Amon Ereb - Talk:Amon Ethir - Talk:Amon Hen - Talk:Amon Lanc - Talk:Amon Lhaw - Talk:Amon Obel - Talk:Amon Rûdh - Talk:Amon Sûl - Talk:Amon Uilos - Talk:Amras - Talk:Amrod - Talk:Amroth - Talk:Amrothos - Talk:Anadûnë - Talk:Anairë - Talk:Anardil - Talk:Anárion - Talk:Anárion, Tar- - Talk:Ancalagon - Talk:Ancalimë, Tar- - Talk:Ancalimon, Tar- - Talk:Andram - Talk:Andrast - Talk:Andreth - Talk:Androth - Talk:Anducal, Tar- - Talk:Anduin - Talk:Andúnië - Talk:Andúril - Talk:Andustar - Talk:Anfalas - Talk:Anfauglir - Talk:Anfauglith - Talk:Angainor - Talk:Angband - Talk:Angband (computer game) - Talk:Angerthas - Talk:Anglachel - Talk:Angmar - Talk:Angren - Talk:Angrenost - Talk:Angrist - Talk:Angrod - Talk:Anguirel - Talk:Annals of Aman -Talk:Annals of Beleriand - Talk:Annals of Valinor - Talk:Annatar - Talk:Annúminas - Talk:Anórien - Talk:Arador - Talk:Araglas - Talk:Aragorn I -Talk:Aragorn II - Talk:Aragost - Talk:Arahad - Talk:Arahad I - Talk:Arahad II - Talk:Arahael - Talk:Araman - Talk:Aranarth - Talk:Arantar - Talk:Aranuir - Talk:Araphant - Talk:Araphor - Talk:Arassuil - Talk:Aratar - Talk:Arathorn - Talk:Arathorn I - Talk:Arathorn II - Talk:Araval - Talk:Aravir - Talk:Aravorn - Talk:Arda - Talk:Arda Healed - Talk:Arda Marred - Talk:Arda Unmarred - Talk:Ardamin, Tar- - Talk:Ard-galen - Talk:Aredhel - Talk:Argeleb - Talk:Argeleb I - Talk:Argeleb II - Talk:Argon - Talk:Argonath - Talk:Argonui - Talk:Arien - Talk:Arkenstone - Talk:Armenelos - Talk:Army of the dead - Talk:Arnor - Talk:Aros - Talk:Arthedain - Talk:Arvedui - Talk:Arvegil - Talk:Arveleg I - Talk:Arveleg II - Talk:Arvernien - Talk:Arwen - Talk:Ascar - Talk:Atanamir, Tar- - Talk:Atanatar - Talk:Atanatar I - Talk:Atanatar II - Talk:Atanatári - Talk:Atani - Talk:Athelas - Talk:Atlas of Middle-earth, The - Talk:Athrabeth Finrod ah Andreth - Talk:Aulë - Talk:Aulëan - Talk:Aulendur - Talk:Ausir - Talk:Avallonë - Talk:Avari - Talk:Avathar - Talk:Awakening of the Elves - Talk:Azaghâl - Talk:Azanulbinar - Talk:Azog


Talk:Baggins - Talk:Baggins family - Talk:Baggins, Balbo - Talk:Baggins, Bilbo - Talk:Baggins, Bungo - Talk:Baggins, Frodo - Talk:Bag End - Talk:Bagshot Row - Talk:Bain - Talk:Balar - Talk:Balchoth - Talk:Balin - Talk:Balrog - Talk:Ban of the Valar - Talk:Barad-dûr - Talk:Barad Nimras - Talk:Baragund - Talk:Barahir - Talk:Barahir (Steward) - Talk:Barahir's Ring - Talk:Baran - Talk:Baranduin - Talk:Bard the Bowman - Talk:Bard II - Talk:Barrow-downs - Talk:Barrow-wights - Talk:Battle of Azanulbizar - Talk:Battle of Bywater - Talk:Battle of Dagorlad - Talk:Battle of Erui - Talk:Battle at the Field of Celebrant - Talk:Battle at the Fords of Isen - Talk:Battle of Dale - Talk:Battle of Evermore, The - Talk:Battle of Five Armies - Talk:Battle of Fornost - Talk:Battle of Greenfields - Talk:Battle of Helm's Deep -Talk:Battle of Isengard - Talk:Battle of Lhammoth - Talk:Battle of Nanduhirion - Talk:Battle of the Morannon - Talk:Battle of the Pelennor Fields - Talk:Battle of Sudden Flame - Talk:Battle of Tears Unnumbered - Talk:Battle of the Camp - Talk:Battle of Tumhalad - Talk:Battle of Unnumbered Tears - Talk:Battles of Beleriand - Talk:Bauglir - Talk:Bay of Balar - Talk:Bay of Belfalas - Talk:Bay of Eldamar - Talk:Baynes, Pauline - Talk:Belecthor I - Talk:Belecthor II - Talk:Beleg - Talk:Beleg of Arnor - Talk:Belegaer - Talk:Belegorn - Talk:Belegost - Talk:Belegund - Talk:Belemir - Talk:Beleriand - Talk:Beleriand (MUSH) - Talk:Belfalas - Talk:Bëor - Talk:Beorn - Talk:Beornings - Talk:Bereg - Talk:Beregond - Talk:Beregond (Captain) - Talk:Beren - Talk:Beren (Steward) - Talk:Bergil - Talk:Beruthiel - Talk:Bifur - Talk:Bilbo's Last Song - Talk:Bill the Pony - Talk:Black breath - Talk:Black Gate - Talk:Black Númenóreans - Talk:Black Rider - Talk:Black Speech - Talk:Blackroot - Talk:Blind Guardian - Talk:Blue Mountains - Talk:Blue Wizards - Talk:Boldog - Talk:Boffin - Talk:Boffin, Berylla - Talk:Bofur - Talk:Bolg - Talk:Bolger, Fredegar - Talk:Bombur - Talk:Book of Lost Tales, The - Talk:Bór - Talk:Bored of the Rings - Talk:Borin - Talk:Boromir (Steward) - Talk:Boromir - Talk:Boron - Talk:Borondir - Talk:Bralda-hîn - Talk:Brand - Talk:Branda-nîn - Talk:Brandir - Talk:Brandybuck - Talk:Brandybuck clan - Talk:Brandybuck, Gormadoc - Talk:Brandybuck, Meriadoc - Talk:Brandybuck, Primula - Talk:Brandywine - Talk:Brandywine Bridge - Talk:Bree - Talk:Brego - Talk:Bregolas - Talk:Bregor - Talk:Brethil - Talk:Bridge of Khazad-dûm - Talk:Bridge of Stonebows - Talk:Brilthor - Talk:Brithombar - Talk:Brithon - Talk:Brodda - Talk:Brown Lands - Talk:Bruinen - Talk:Brytta Léofa - Talk:Bucca of the Marish - Talk:Buckland - Talk:Bucklebury - Talk:Bucklebury Ferry - Talk:Butterbur, Barliman


Talk:Cabed-en-Aras - Talk:Cabed Naeramarth - Talk:Calacirya - Talk:Calaquendi - Talk:Calembel - Talk:Calenardhon - Talk:Calenhad - Talk:Calimehtar - Talk:Calion, Tar- - Talk:Calmacil - Talk:Calmacil, Tar- - Talk:Captain of the Haven - Talk:Caradhras - Talk:Caranthir - Talk:Caras Galadhon - Talk:Carcharoth - Talk:Carchost - Talk:Cardolan - Talk:Carn Dûm - Talk:Carnen - Talk:Carrock - Talk:Castamir the Usurper - Talk:Caverns of Narog - Talk:Celduin - Talk:Celebdil - Talk:Celeborn - Talk:Celebrant - Talk:Celebrían - Talk:Celebrimbor - Talk:Celebrindor - Talk:Celebros - Talk:Celegorm - Talk:Celepharn - - Talk:Celon - Talk:Celos - Talk:Cemendur - Talk:Cerin Amroth - Talk:Chieftains of the Dúnedain - Talk:Children of Húrin - Talk:Children of Ilúvatar - Talk:Círdan - Talk:Ciril - Talk:Cirion - Talk:Cirith Gorgor - Talk:Cirith Ungol - Talk:Cirth - Talk:Ciryaher - Talk:Ciryandil - Talk:Ciryatan, Tar- - Talk:Common Eldarin - Talk:Common Speech - Talk:Common Telerin - Talk:Complete Guide to Middle-earth, The - Talk:Corsairs of Umbar - Talk:Cotton, Rosie - Talk:Cotton, Tom - Talk:Council of Elrond - Talk:Council of the Wise - Talk:Crack of Doom - Talk:Crissaegrim - Talk:Cuiviénen - Talk:Cursed Ring, The - Talk:Curufin - Talk:Curunir


Talk:Daeron - Talk:Dagmor - Talk:Dagor Aglareb - Talk:Dagor Bragollach - Talk:Dagor Dagorath - Talk:Dagor-nuin-Giliath - Talk:Dagorlad - Talk:Dáin I - Talk:Dáin II Ironfoot - Talk:Dale - Talk:Dark Land - Talk:Darkening of Valinor - Talk:Daughters of Finwë - Talk:Days of the Trees - Talk:Dead Marshes - Talk:Déagol - Talk:Deeping Coomb - Talk:Deeping Stream - Talk:Denethor - Talk:Denethor (First Age) - Talk:Denethor I - Talk:Denethor II - Talk:Déor - Talk:Deórwine - Talk:Dernhelm - Talk:Diamond of Long Cleeve - Talk:Dimbar - Talk:Dimrill Dale - Talk:Dimrost - Talk:Dior - Talk:Dior (Steward) - Talk:Dís - Talk:Dol Amroth - Talk:Dol Guldur - Talk:Dome of Stars - Talk:Doom of Mandos - Talk:Door of Night - Talk:Doors of Durin - Talk:Dor Daedeloth - Talk:Dor-lómin - Talk:Dori - Talk:Doriath - Talk:Dorthonion - Talk:Dorwinion - Talk:Downfall of Númenor - Talk:Dragons - Talk:Dramborleg - Talk:Draugluin - Talk:Drengist - Talk:Drúadan Forest - Talk:Drúedain - Talk:Drûg - Talk:Drúwaith Iaur - Talk:Dry River - Talk:Duilwen - Talk:Dúnedain - Talk:Dunharrow - Talk:Dunland - Talk:Dunlendings - Talk:Durin - Talk:Durin II - Talk:Durin III - Talk:Durin IV - Talk:Durin V - Talk:Durin VI - Talk:Durin VII - Talk:Durin's Axe - Talk:Durin's Bane - Talk:Durin's Day - Talk:Durin's folk - Talk:Durthang - Talk:Dwalin - Talk:Dwarf - Talk:Dwarf (Middle-earth) - Talk:Dwarrow - Talk:Dwarves (Middle-earth)


Talk:Eä - Talk:Eagles - Talk:Eagles of Manwë - Talk:Eärendil - Talk:Eärendil of Gondor - Talk:Eärendur - Talk:Early American editions of The Hobbit - Talk:Eärnil - Talk:Eärnil I - Talk:Eärnil II - Talk:Eärnur - Talk:Eärwen - Talk:East Beleriand - Talk:East Road - Talk:Easterlings - Talk:Eastfarthing - Talk:Echoriath - Talk:Ecthelion - Talk:Ecthelion of the Fountain - Talk:Ecthelion I - Talk:Ecthelion II - Talk:Edhel - Talk:Edhellond - Talk:Edoras - Talk:Edain - Talk:Egalmoth - Talk:Eglarest - Talk:Eilenach - Talk:Eiliniel - Talk:Eithel Ivrin - Talk:Eithel Sirion - Talk:Ekkaia - Talk:Elanor the Fair - Talk:Elanor Gamgee - Talk:Elenwë - Talk:Elbereth - Talk:Eldacar - Talk:Eldacar of Arnor - Talk:Eldacar of Gondor - Talk:Eldamar - Talk:Eldar - Talk:Eldarion - Talk:Elder Days - Talk:Elendil - Talk:Elendil, Tar- - Talk:Elendilli - Talk:Elendilmir - Talk:Elendor - Talk:Elendur - Talk:Elenna -Talk:Elessar - Talk:Elven Rings - Talk:Elf - Talk:Elfwine - Talk:Elladan - Talk:Elladan and Elrohir - Talk:Elmo - Talk:Elostirion - Talk:Elrohir - Talk:Elrond - Talk:Elros - Talk:Elu - Talk:Eluréd and Elurín - Talk:Elwë - Talk:Elwing - Talk:Elven-king - Talk:Elves (Arda) - Talk:Elves (Middle-earth) - Talk:Elvish language - Talk:Elvenking - Talk:Emeldir - Talk:Emerië - Talk:Emyn Arnen - Talk:Emyn Beraid - Talk:Emyn Muil - Talk:Enchanted Isles - Talk:Enchanted River - Talk:Encircling Mountains - Talk:Enedwaith - Talk:Enel - Talk:English-language editions of The Hobbit - Talk:Ent - Talk:Entwash - Talk:Eöl - Talk:Éomer - Talk:Eönwë - Talk:Éored - Talk:Eorl the Young - Talk:Éothéod - Talk:Éowyn - Talk:Epessë - Talk:Ephel Brandir - Talk:Ephel Dúath - Talk:Eradan - Talk:Erebor - Talk:Erech (Middle-earth) - Talk:Ered Engrin - Talk:Ered Gorgoroth - Talk:Ered Lindon - Talk:Ered Lithui - Talk:Ered Lómin - Talk:Ered Luin - Talk:Ered Mithrin - Talk:Ered Nimrais - Talk:Ered Wethrin - Talk:Eregion - Talk:Erelas - Talk:Erendis - Talk:Eressëa - Talk:Eriador - Talk:Eriol - Talk:Erkenbrand - Talk:Eru Ilúvatar - Talk:Eruhantalë - Talk:Erui - Talk:Erukyermë - Talk:Erulaitalë - Talk:Eryn Lasgalen - Talk:Eryn Vorn - Talk:Esgalduin - Talk:Esgaroth - Talk:Estel - Talk:Estelmo - Talk:Estë - Talk:Estolad - Talk:Eye of Sauron - Talk:Ezellohar


Talk:Falas - Talk:Falassion, Tar- - Talk:Falathrim - Talk:Fallohides - Talk:Fall of Gondolin - Talk:Falls of Rauros - Talk:Fangorn - Talk:Fangorn forest - Talk:Faniel - Talk:Faramir - Talk:Farthing (Middle-earth) - Talk:Fastred of Greenholm - Talk:Fathers of the Dwarves - Talk:Far Harad - Talk:Fëa and hröa - Talk:Fëanor - Talk:Fëanturi - Talk:Feasts in Númenor - Talk:Felagund - Talk:Felaróf - Talk:Fellowship of the Ring - Talk:Fellowship of the Ring, The - Talk:Fellowship of the Ring, The (movie) - Talk:Fell Winter - Talk:Female hobbits - Talk:Fengel - Talk:Fens of Serech - Talk:Ferny, Bill - Talk:Field of Celebrant - Talk:Figwit - Talk:Fili - Talk:Fimbrethil - Talk:Final Battle - Talk:Finarfin - Talk:Findis - Talk:Finduilas - Talk:Finduilas of Dol Amroth - Talk:Fingolfin - Talk:Fingon - Talk:Finrod Felagund - Talk:Finvain - Talk:Finwë - Talk:Firebeards - Talk:Fíriel - Talk:First Age - Talk:First Battle of Beleriand - Talk:Firth of Drengist - Talk:Five Rivers of Lebennin - Talk:Flight of the Ñoldor - Talk:Foalokë - Talk:Folca - Talk:Folcwine - Talk:Folde - Talk:Fords of Isen - Talk:Fords of Rivendell - Talk:Forest of Brethil - Talk:Forest River - Talk:Forlond - Talk:Formenos - Talk:Fornost Erain - Talk:Forochel - Talk:Forodwaith - Talk:Fourth Age - Talk:Framsburg - Talk:Fréa - Talk:Fréaláf Hildeson - Talk:Fréawine - Talk:Freca - Talk:Frerin - Talk:Frór - Talk:Fuinur - Talk:Fundin


Talk:Galador - Talk:Galadriel - Talk:Galdor - Talk:Galdor of the Havens - Talk:Gamgee, Hamfast - Talk:Gamgee, Samwise - Talk:Gamilzirak - Talk:Gandalf - Talk:Gap of Rohan - Talk:Gate Stream - Talk:Gelion - Talk:Ghân-buri-Ghân - Talk:Gil-galad - Talk:Gildis - Talk:Gildor - Talk:Gildor Inglorion - Talk:Gilraen - Talk:Gilrain - Talk:Gimilkhâd - Talk:Gimilzôr, Ar- - Talk:Gimli - Talk:Ginglith - Talk:Girdle of Melian - Talk:Girion - Talk:Gladden - Talk:Gladden Fields - Talk:Glamdring - Talk:Glanduin - Talk:Glanhír - Talk:Glaurung - Talk:Glithui - Talk:Glittering Caves - Talk:Glóin - Talk:Glóredhel - Talk:Glorfindel - Talk:Goblin - Talk:Goblin Town - Talk:Goldberry - Talk:Goldwine - Talk:Golfimbul - Talk:Gollum - Talk:Gondolin - Talk:Gondor- Talk:Gorbag - Talk:Gorgol - Talk:Gorgoroth - Talk:Gorlim - Talk:Gorthaur - Talk:Gothmog (First Age) - Talk:Gothmog (Third Age) - Talk:Gram - Talk:Great Darkness - Talk:Great East Road - Talk:Great Gulf - Talk:Great Journey - Talk:Great Plague - Talk:Great River of Wilderland - Talk:Great Sea - Talk:Great Smials - Talk:Greater Gelion - Talk:Greenway - Talk:Greenwood the Great - Talk:Greyflood - Talk:Grey Havens - Talk:Greyflood - Talk:Greylin - Talk:Grey Mountains - Talk:Gríma - Talk:Grimbold - Talk:Grishnakh - Talk:Gróin - Talk:Grór - Talk:Grond - Talk:Gulf of Lune - Talk:Gundabad - Talk:Gundor - Talk:Gurthang - Talk:Gwaihir - Talk:Gwathir - Talk:Gwathló - Talk:Gwindor


Talk:Hadhafang - Talk:Hador - Talk:Hador (Steward) - Talk:Haladin - Talk:Haldad - Talk:Haldan - Talk:Haldar - Talk:Haldir - Talk:Haldir of Lórien - Talk:Haleth - Talk:Halifirien - Talk:Hallas - Talk:Halls of Mandos - Talk:Halmir - Talk:Half-elven - Talk:Hammer of the Underworld - Talk:Handir - Talk:Harad - Talk:Haradrim - Talk:Haradwaith - Talk:Hardbottle - Talk:Hareth - Talk:Harfoots - Talk:Harlond - Talk:Harnen - Talk:Harondor - Talk:Harrowdale - Talk:Haudh-en-Ndengin - Talk:Haudh-en-Nirnaeth - Talk:Haven of the Eldar - Talk:Havens of Sirion - Talk:Havens of the Falas - Talk:Helcar - Talk:Helcaraxë - Talk:Helm Hammerhand - Talk:Helm's Deep - Talk:Helm's Dike - Talk:Helm of Hador - Talk:Henneth Annûn - Talk:Herion - Talk:Herucalmo - Talk:Herumor - Talk:Herunumen, Tar- - Talk:Hidden Way - Talk:High Pass - Talk:Hill of Himring - Talk:Hills of Evendim - Talk:Himlad - Talk:Himling - Talk:Himring - Talk:Hirgon - Talk:History of The Lord of the Rings, The - Talk:History of Middle-earth, The - Talk:Hithaeglir - Talk:Hithlum - Talk:Hoarwell - Talk:Hobbit - Talk:Hobbit, The - Talk:Hobbit, The (1977 movie) - Talk:Hobbiton - Talk:Hollin - Talk:Hornburg - Talk:Hostamir, Tar- - Talk:House of Bëor - Talk:House of Hador - Talk:House of Haleth - Talk:House of Húrin - Talk:House of Marach - Talk:Houses of Healing - Talk:House of Telcontar - Talk:Howe, John - Talk:Hröa - Talk:Huan - Talk:Hundar - Talk:Huor - Talk:Huorn - Talk:Húrin - Talk:Húrin I - Talk:Húrin II - Talk:Hyarmendacil I - Talk:Hyarmendacil II


Talk:Ibûn - Talk:Ice-Bay of Forochel - Talk:Idril - Talk:Ilmarë - Talk:Ilmen - Talk:Iluin - Talk:Ilúvatar - Talk:Imbar - Talk:Imin - Talk:Imladris - Talk:Imrahil - Talk:Indis - Talk:Inglor - Talk:Ingwë - Talk:Inn of the Prancing Pony - Talk:Inziladûn, Ar- - Talk:Inzilbêth - Talk:Irimë - Talk:Iron Hills - Talk:Iron Mountains - Talk:Irmo - Talk:Iron Crown - Talk:Isen - Talk:Isengard - Talk:Isenmouthe - Talk:Isildur - Talk:Isilmo - Talk:Isle of Balar - Talk:Isle of Elenna - Talk:Istari - Talk:Ithilien - Talk:Ithryn Luin - Talk:Ivriniel


Talk:Jewels of Fëanor - Talk:Journey to Mordor, The - Talk:Journeys of Frodo


Talk:Khamûl - Talk:Khand - Talk:Khazad - Talk:Khazad-dûm - Talk:Kheled-zâram - Talk:Khîm - Talk:Khuzdul - Talk:Kibil-nâla - Talk:Kili - Talk:King under the Mountain - Talk:King's Men - Talk:King's Riders - Talk:Kingdom of Rhovanion - Talk:Kings of Arnor - Talk:Kings of Arthedain - Talk:Kings of Gondor - Talk:Kings of Rohan - Talk:Kings of Númenor - Talk:Kinslaying - Talk:Kin-strife - Talk:Kôr


Talk:Lagduf - Talk:Ladros - Talk:Laiquendi - Talk:Lalaith - Talk:Lake Evendim - Talk:Lake Helevorn - Talk:Lake Mithrim - Talk:Lake Nenuial - Talk:Laketown (Middle-earth) - Talk:Lambengolmor - Talk:Lamedon - Talk:Land of Seven Rivers - Talk:Land of the Sun - Talk:Languages of Middle-earth - Talk:Langflood - Talk:Langwell - Talk:Last Alliance of Elves and Men - Talk:Laurelin - Talk:Lay of Leithian - Talk:Lay of the Children of Húrin - Talk:Lays of Beleriand, The - "Talk:Leaf by Niggle" - Talk:Lebennin - Talk:Lee, Alan - Talk:Lefnui - Talk:Legendarium - Talk:Legolas - Talk:Legolin - Talk:Lembas - Talk:Lenwë - Talk:Léod - Talk:Letters of J. R. R. Tolkien, The - Talk:Lhammas - Talk:Lhammoth - Talk:Lhûn - Talk:Light Elf - Talk:Limlight - Talk:Limlîht - Talk:Lindar - Talk:Lindon - Talk:List of female hobbits - Talk:List of Middle-earth characters - Talk:List of Middle-earth peoples - Talk:List of Middle-earth rivers - Talk:List of Middle-earth writings - Talk:List of rulers of Númenor - Talk:Little Gelion - Talk:Loeg Ningloron - Talk:Lohtûr - Talk:Lond Daer - Talk:Lond Daer Ened - Talk:Lonely Mountain - Talk:Long Lake - Talk:Long Winter - Talk:Lord of the Rings, The - Talk:Lord of the Rings, The (movie trilogy) - Talk:Lord of the Rings, The (animated movie) - Talk:The Lord of the Rings (1981 radio series) - Talk:Lord of the Rings Roleplaying Game - Talk:The Lord of the Rings Trading Card Game, The - Talk:Lords of Andúnië - Talk:Lórien - Talk:Lórinand - Talk:Losgar - Talk:Lossarnach - Talk:Lossoth - Talk:Lost Road and Other Writings, The - Talk:Lothlann - Talk:Loudwater - Talk:Lugdush - Talk:Lurtz - Talk:Lúthien


Talk:Mablung - Talk:Maedhros - Talk:Maeglin - Talk:Maglor - Talk:Maglor's Gap - Talk:Magor - Talk:Máhanaxar - Talk:Mahtan - Talk:Maiar - Talk:Malach - Talk:Malduin - Talk:Mallor - Talk:Mallorn -Talk:Malvegil - Talk:Man in the Moon - "Talk:Man in the Moon Stayed Up Too Late, The" - Talk:Manwë - Talk:Marach - Talk:March of Maedhros - Talk:Mardil Voronwë - Talk:Master of Buckland - Talk:Mauhúr - Talk:Mayor of Michel Delving - Talk:Mearas - Talk:Meduseld - Talk:Melian - Talk:Mellyrn - Talk:Melkian - Talk:Melkor - Talk:Men - Talk:Menegroth - Talk:Meneldil - Talk:Meneldur, Tar- - Talk:Meneltarma - Talk:Mering Stream - Talk:Methedras - Talk:Michel Delving - Talk:Middle-earth - Talk:Middle-earth canon - Talk:Middle Earth Role Play - Talk:Middle Men - Talk:Mîm - Talk:Min-Rimmon - Talk:Minalcar - Talk:Minardil - Talk:Minas Anor - Talk:Minas Ithil - Talk:Minas Morgul - Talk:Minas Tirith (First Age) - Talk:Minas Tirith (Third Age) - Talk:Minastir, Tar- - Talk:Mindeb - Talk:Mindolluin - Talk:Minhiriath - Talk:Minyatur, Tar- - Talk:Míriel - Talk:Mirkwood - Talk:Mirror of Galadriel - Talk:Mirrormere - Talk:Misty Mountain Hop - Talk:Misty Mountains - Talk:Mitheithel - Talk:Mithlond - Talk:Mithrandir - Talk:Mithrellas - Talk:Mithril - Talk:Mithrim - Talk:Moon - Talk:Morannon - Talk:Mordor - Talk:Morenor - Talk:Morgoth - Talk:Morgoth's Ring - Talk:Morgul blade - Talk:Morgulduin - Talk:Moria - Talk:Moria (computer game) - Talk:Moriquendi - Talk:Morthond - Talk:Morwen - Talk:Morwen Steelsheen - Talk:Mount Dolmed - Talk:Mount Doom - Talk:Mount Gram - Talk:Mount Gundabad - Talk:Mount Methedras - Talk:Mount Rerir - Talk:Mount Taras - Talk:Mountains of Moria - Talk:Mouth of Sauron - Talk:Mouths of Sirion - Talk:Mumakil - Talk:Music of the Ainur - Talk:Muster of Rohan - Talk:Muzgash


Talk:Nanduhirion - Talk:Nahar - Talk:Náin - Talk:Náin I - Talk:Náin II - Talk:Namo - Talk:Nandor - Talk:Nan Elmoth - Talk:Nan-Tathren - Talk:Narchost - Talk:Nardol - Talk:Nargothrond - Talk:Narmacil I - Talk:Narmacil II - Talk:Narn i Chîn Húrin - Talk:Narog - Talk:Narsil - Talk:Narvi - Talk:Nauglafring - Talk:Nauglamír - Talk:Narya - Talk:Nazgûl - Talk:Neldoreth - Talk:Nen Hithoel - Talk:Nenning - Talk:Nenya - Talk:Nerdanel - Talk:Nessa - Talk:Nevrast - Talk:New Shadow, The - Talk:Nienna - Talk:Nienor - Talk:Nightfall in Middle-Earth - Talk:Nibin-Noeg - Talk:Nimloth - Talk:Nimphelos - Talk:Nimrodel - Talk:Nîn-in-Eilph - Talk:Nindalf - Talk:Nine Rings - Talk:Ninglor - Talk:Níniel - Talk:Nirnaeth Arnoediad - Talk:Nivrim - Talk:Noegyth Nibin - Talk:Nogrod - Talk:Noirinan - Talk:Noldoli - Talk:Ñoldor - Talk:Nóm - Talk:Nori - Talk:Northfarthing - Talk:Northmen - Talk:Notion Club Papers, The - Talk:Núath - Talk:Númenor - Talk:Nunduinë


Talk:Oath of Eorl - Talk:Oath of Fëanor - Talk:Of the Rings of Power and the Third Age - Talk:Óin - Talk:Old Man Willow - Talk:Old Forest - Talk:Old Forest Road - Talk:Oldbuck - Talk:Olog-hai - Talk:Oliphaunt - Talk:Olórin - Talk:Olwë - Talk:Ondoher - Talk:One Ring - "Talk:On Fairy-Stories" - Talk:Onodló - Talk:Orc - Talk:Orcrist - Talk:Ori - Talk:Ormal - Talk:Ornendil - Talk:Orocarni - Talk:Orodreth - Talk:Orodreth (Steward) - Talk:Orodruin - Talk:Oromë - Talk:Oromëan - Talk:Oropher - Talk:Orophin - Talk:Orthanc - Talk:Osgiliath - Talk:Ossë - Talk:Ossiriand - Talk:Ost-in-Edhil - Talk:Ostoher


Talk:Pallando - Talk:Palantir, Tar- - Talk:Palantír - Talk:Parth Galen - Talk:Pass of Aglon - Talk:Paths of the Dead - Talk:Pelargir - Talk:Pelendur - Talk:Pelennor Fields - Talk:Pelóri Mountains - Talk:Pengolodh - Talk:Peoples of Middle-earth, The - Talk:Petty-dwarves - Talk:Peredhil - Talk:Pharazôn, Ar- - Talk:Pictures by J. R. R. Tolkien - Talk:Poros - Talk:Prancing Pony - Talk:Primitive Quendian - Talk:Princes of Dol Amroth


Talk:Queen Berúthiel - Talk:Quendi - Talk:Quendian - Talk:Quendi and Eldar - Talk:Quenta Silmarillion - Talk:Quenya - Talk:Quest of Erebor, The


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J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth legendarium

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