Talk:List of Green party issues
What this list is for
About this list: After finding Worldwide green parties and Green party and Greens, I decided that the amount of chaos is a bit too high. So I started this list, which has at least two tasks:
- Give interested persons an overview about articles and entries that relate to "green" topics
- Help editors of "green" articles by showing what exists (under what names, therefore the aka entries), what does not exist (either because it isn't listed or because it is listed -- as important entry -- but appears in red), and what exists twice and could be merged.
I hope this list will be helpful to all who add entries about green movement, parties and politics into Wikipedia. Please add, if there are more or new articles, and please edit boldly.
I know that there are some political topics included in making such a list, especially questions like "what parties should be included" -- "where should the EGL/NGL faction be listed" -- and so on. If you find a better solution than this one, change the list (and maybe tell us here, why it is better).
till we *) 19:04, Aug 23, 2003 (UTC)
Article merging
Suggestion: green politics is the most comprehensive and interesting article. Make sure it is complete. In fact, make it Wikipedia:brilliant prose. That will help more than listings. Then, work on green movement which is the non-party expression of these concepts, and Greens which describes factions within that movement. Then, and *only* then, worry about the Ten Key Values and Four Pillars of the Green Parties <-- or Party? and the Global Green Charter. By this point you will be great at writing about these issues. Then contrast all these to the simple ideal of a "green" party which is just ecologically sane. Imagine the worldwide Green Parties don't exist. Get all of these into Wikipedia:brilliant prose. Then, and *only* then, decide how to approach Green Parties as the set of political parties most overtly identified with these concepts. By this point, you will have created so many Greens that you will have lots of help. ;-) EofT
Also, this seems poorly named, as here we refer to a "list of ____ topics" but your article also has persons/figures of note within the movement. We would have a "list of Greens" and "list of Green politics topics" perhaps, but, the latter are really more like a list of global policy topics. EofT
Those "aka" entries have no place in a regular article. --Wik 12:26, Feb 22, 2004 (UTC)
- A "List of ..." is a case lying inbetween a regular article and a wikipedia-namespace-tool. I started this list as a help for editors of green party issues and to clarify the different articles (which appeared often in different versions with different names and/or redirects, i.e. chaos between Green party and green parties, and so on). This list helped to clarify that chaos a bit. This is one point, mainly seen as an editor, and mainly concerning the akas in the first part of the list. The other point is that there is a listing of parties, which all have in common that they have one (or several) "native" names and English names. I find it helpful for editors and readers to know that "Die Grünen" is the "Austrian Green Party", and that "Les Verts" is "French Green Party". Or that Green Party of the USA and US Green Party are the same article. So, I think these akas are helpful for editors and for readers (or at least don't disturb them) and should not be deleted. -- till we *) 12:38, 22 Feb 2004 (UTC)
I put the alias for NZ greens back in, read above why. -- till we ☼☽ | Talk 10:55, 10 Oct 2004 (UTC)