
  • Can someone please explain where <math>\partial_\mu<math> came from? -- Taral 17:38, 17 Jun 2004 (UTC)
<math> \partial_\mu <math> (shorthand for <math> \frac {\partial}{\partial x^\mu}<math>) crops up here instead of <math> \frac{d}{dt} <math> that you see in, for example action, because the function that is being varied, <math> \ \phi(x)<math> is a function of 'n' variables <math> x^\mu <math> (<math> \mu <math> = 1,2,3 ... n) as opposed to q(t) which is a function of 1 variable t. -- Amar 10:03, Jun 18, 2004 (UTC)

Agree. Will try and attempt a merge sometime soon. [[User:AmarChandra|Amar | Talk]] 09:14, Jul 28, 2004 (UTC)

  • Can someone explain why is the spelling "Lagrangian" preferred here to "Lagrangean"? I would expect the pattern "Shakespeare -> Shakespearean".
I would suspect the difference is time period. Shakespeare -> Shakespearean was probably a valid English formation for a significant period of time. Lagrange lived more recently by ~200 years, when Lagrange -> Lagrangian was probably favored.
Personally, I had never even considered "Lagrangean" as an option, but apparently it is sometimes used: Google search turns up 1:27 for Lagrangean:Lagrangian. --Laura Scudder 16:54, 3 Apr 2005 (UTC)

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