Talk:Deep Throat

Has it ever been definitively established that Deep Throat (the source), was actually male? I remember (swiftly denied) claims from a few years ago that it was Diane Sawyer, the TV reporter (who was a Nixon staffer at the time). --Robert Merkel

I believe that Woodward has stated that Deep Throat was male.

Can you provide a source for that? --Robert Merkel
The Washington Post mention it in one of their articles:

By the way, apparently John Dean (White House counsel for Nixon) is publishing an e-book on Salon in mid-June revealing his theory on who Deep Throat is. That may provide, if not a definitive answer, much useful information. --Robert Merkel

Ronald Kessler (reporter, WPost) names Mark Felt as Deep Throat in his forthcoming book. Felt is still alive and was FBI assistant director at the time.

About the movie (not the Watergate guy): This was not the first porn film to be widely screened in theaters, as any Russ Meyer fan will point out.  :) Also, I'm uncertain of the filn's gross -- but $600 million?!? The Godfather's box office take of about $135 million was the biggest box office hit of all time, one year before Deep Throat. Does anyone know what this movie really made at the box office? --Modemac 15:19, 12 Aug 2003 (UTC)

After the 600 million figure was reinserted, I have removed it again. I have seen widely varying estimates; in [1] ( an FBI agent involved with obscenity cases claims that most people who went to see Deep Throat never got a ticket, so that the money could better sheltered from the IRS and channelled to the Mafia. AxelBoldt 15:00, 6 Nov 2003 (UTC)

Was the film the origin of the term, or vice versa? Guttlekraw 06:32, 1 Jun 2005 (UTC)

Oxford English Dictionary says that the term "deep throat" origins with the 1972 movie (though they don't mention the sexual technique). AxelBoldt 17:15, 1 Jun 2005 (UTC)
You're right - surprisingly, the film-makers seem to have coined the word Random House word maven ( Guttlekraw 05:09, 2 Jun 2005 (UTC)

Connection between Deep Throat and Deep Thought

The connection between Deep Throat and Deep Thought doesn't seem very clear to me. How do you say the latter was a parody of the former?

I can't see the connection either. Maybe someone can clarify? [[User:Quackor|Template:Unicodeuackor]] 10:30, 2 Jun 2005 (UTC)
Yeah. The Deep Thought disambig page already exists. Maybe, we can merge it with that page, if the original submitter doesn't respond/object, since I don't see any relation either nor is it mentioned. pamri 14:09, Jun 3, 2005 (UTC)
This merge to Deep Thought appears to be the logical choice and has my support. Hall Monitor 17:27, 3 Jun 2005 (UTC)

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