Tagging is a term used in a number of contexts for different purposes, mostly referring to adding a tag of some form.
- In many computing and information processing contexts, tagging is the process of labelling a piece of data with metadata.
- Content on webpages is displayed as HTML which uses the construct of HTML tags
- In the practice of collaborative categorization using freely chosen keywords known as folksonomy, Tags are descriptors that individuals assign to objects.
- For instance, in linguistics, a corpus may undergo part-of-speech tagging.
- It is also often used in relation to audio data compression, in which case it refers to adding
- In CVS, to tag a project is to associate a name with the current version of every file in project directory. This is done so that one can easily revert to a state where all files are known to compile together.
- ID3 tags or an equivalent to label a piece of music.
- The simplest form of graffiti is a simple signature known as a tag, and is consequently referred to as tagging.
- In sport it refers to passing control to another member of your team - for instance in professional wrestling.
- The labelling of an object or person with RFID (or similar technology) is also known as tagging.
- Tagging is also used in biochemistry where tags can serve multiple purposes. They can aid purification or detection. Tags can also be the basis for non-covalent construction of new nanostructures
- In particle physics, tagging is the technique of detecting a particle coming out of a process in order to obtain information (from kinematics) about a particle which is not detected.