TWiki is a WikiWiki. TWiki enables simple form-based web applications, without programming, and granular access control (though it can also operate in the classic 'no authentication' mode). Other enhancements include configuration variables, embedded searches, server side includes, file attachments and a plugin API that has spawned over 150 plugins to link into databases, create charts, sort tables, write spreadsheets, make drawings, track Extreme Programming projects and so on. The main scripts are written in Perl.
TWiki now has a modern look and feel with its default 'skin'. It is fully skinnable and can be used to create modern-looking Wiki sites. It includes reasonably good support for Internationalization ('I18N'), with support for UTF-8 URLs and planned support for UTF-8.
The ease of its revision control and the availability of Access control lists makes TWiki especially suited for corporate wiki sites.
Major features:
- Revision control - every change ever made to a page can be tracked
- Fine-grained access control by user groups
- Dynamic content generation by TWiki variables
- No database is needed
- Customizable sidebar, topbar, and bottom bar
- several dozens of plugins
External link
- List of TWiki installations (