Submarine warfare
Naval warfare is divided into three operational areas: surface warfare, air warfare and submarine warfare. Each area is comprised of specialized platforms and strategies used to exploit tactical advantages unique and inherent to that area.
Modern submarine warfare is comprised primarily of submarines and other underwater devices, technologies, and strategies for their use in cooperation with other operational areas to complete tactical objectives.
For most of history, submarine warfare has been restricted to the deployment of mines and other unmanned static devices intended to deny use of naval assets on bodies of water. Ancient examples of this kind of warfare include placement of sharpened sticks in shallow water so that soldiers who waded out into the water, or jumped from boats into the water, would be injured. Modern history provides numerous examples of combatants placing obstacles at harbor mouths or in rivers to impede the passage of shipping.
Explosive mines were developed in the 18th century in naval applications, but their use was limited by the lack of adequate fusing technology.
It was not until the very end of the 19th century that technology advanced sufficiently to permit the production of manned submersibles that could be used as submarine warfare platforms: submarines.
See also: Unrestricted submarine warfare