Subaru Rex
The Subaru Rex is a subcompact automobile produced from 1972 to 1992.
The Rex was the replacement for the Subaru R-2, which was meant to be the replacement for the long lived, but outdated Subaru 360. Because the R-2 was based largely on the 360, it lasted only a few years. In contrast, the 360 was produced for 11 years and the Rex was produced for 20.
The Subaru Rex represented a fresh start, having little do with the Subaru 360, although they did share a rear-engine layout. The Rex featured a 358 cc rear-mounted two-cylinder, water-cooled, 4-stroke cycle engine, upgraded from the 2-stroke cycle engine used by the 360 and R-2 models). In 1981, the Subaru Rex became front wheel drive, and the engine was enlarged to 665 cc in 1982. The end for the Rex came in 1992, when it was replaced by the Vivio.