States of the German Empire 1871-1918
States of the German Empire 1871-1918:
- Kingdoms
- Bavaria (Bayern)
- Prussia (Preußen)
- Saxony (Sachsen)
- Württemberg
- Grand Duchies
- Baden
- Hesse-Darmstadt (Hessen)
- Mecklenburg-Schwerin
- Mecklenburg-Strelitz
- Oldenburg
- Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach (Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach)
- Duchies
- Anhalt
- Brunswick (Braunschweig)
- Saxe-Altenburg (Sachsen-Altenburg)
- Saxe-Coburg-Gotha (Sachsen-Koburg-Gotha)
- Saxe-Meiningen (Sachsen-Meiningen)
- Principalities
- Lippe
- Reuss-Greiz (the elder line)
- Reuss-Schleiz-Gera (the younger line)
- Schaumburg-Lippe
- Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt
- Schwarzburg-Sondershausen
- Waldeck
- Imperial Territory
- Alsace-Lorraine (Elsaß-Lothringen)
Each component of the German Empire sent representatives to the Imperial Government - the Federal Council (Bundesrat) and the Imperial Diet (Reichstag).
Territories were not necessarily contiguous - many existed in several parts, as a result of historical acquisition, or, in several cases, divisions of the ruling family trees.
Relations between the Imperial centre and the Empire's components were somewhat fluid, and were developed on an ongoing basis. The extent to which the German Emperor could, for example, intervene on occasions of disputed or unclear succession was much debated on occasion - for example with the Lippe-Detmold crisis.