Star of Elendil

In Tolkien's fictional universe of Middle-earth, the Star of Elendil was a white precious jewel (diamond?) worn by Elendil and his heirs, and then by the chieftains of the Dúnedain in Arnor.

The jewel was given by Silmariën to Elendil, but probably was not a new creation and existed long before the end of Second Age.

It was lost somewhere in the period surrounding the fall of Arnor. The kings and chieftains of the North then wore an ersatz gem.

The original was found among Saruman's treasure in Isengard by Aragorn after the War of the Ring. However, he used it only on special occasions.

The Star of Elendil was also called the Elendilmir, the Star of the North, and the Star of the North Kingdom.

It is speculated that the jewel contained, like the Phial of Galadriel, a tiny measure of the light of the Two Trees that once shone in the Silmarils.

In Foster's The Complete Guide to Middle-Earth the Elendilmir is mistakenly identified with the Star of the Dúnedain which was given to Samwise Gamgee, but this is clearly an error.


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