Spencer Tunick
Spencer Tunick (born 1967) is an American photographer. Tunick was born in Middletown, New York. He earned a Bachelor of Science from Emerson College in 1988. He is best known for his photographs that feature large numbers of nude people posed in artistic formations often situated in urban locations.
Tunick started out in 1992 photographing nudes on the streets of New York. His photos quickly became popular and he spread out to other states in America. Tunick went international and has taken photos in cities that include London, Melbourne, Montreal, São Paulo and Vienna.
In June 2003 he completed his largest photo by photographing 7000 Spaniards in Barcelona.
His models are volunteers who only receive a signed photo as a reward.
External links
- Spencer Tunick (http://www.spencertunick.com/) - official website
- 2,000 brave cold for nude art (http://www.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/europe/05/07/nude.art.ap/index.html) CNN.com, May 7, 2005.