Slave II
Slave II is a MandalMotors Pursuer Enforcement Ship, a patrol craft, which was popular with the Mandalorian police units since it was tough and good at dealing with pirates, as well as having the cargo space for the usual police needs. Once Fett had bought the ship, he immediately went about modifying it so it would hold all the "nasty surprises" that victims of his other ship experienced.
Two Tion Mil/Sci Mil-StarIV engines propel the heavy patrol craft, and there are three Corellian Engineering x41 maneuvering thrusters mounted on the port-side stabiliser. Powerful Torplex military-grade shield generators provide protection, whereas the ship itself is armed with twin forward firing plaster cannons and an ion cannon turret. There is also a "surprise weapon", consisting of a rearward firing proton torpedo launcher, which holds a magazine of six torpedoes. The ship also has a sophisticated sensor array system, such as in Slave I, though it lacks the stealth systems found in Slave I. There are also rumours of five force-field enclosed prisoner cages on board.
The Pursuer Enforcement Ships can also be experienced in the game X-Wing Alliance, where they sometimes make an appearance, often piloted by pirates. There is also the option to fly the PES ship in the combat simulator feature.