Skulltag is a multiplayer source port for the computer game Doom that runs on a modified ZDoom.EXE. It is basically its own game, although a WAD (data) file from a purchased version of Doom or Doom II is required to run it, unless you are using the Skulltag "FreeDoom" Edition. The basis of Skulltag is like that of Quake 3 and Unreal Tournament: Deathmatch and Teamplay games, such as Capture the flag, and Team DM, as well as other modes such as instagib and last-man-standing.
Weapons added to Skulltag (along with the standard Doom weapons) are:
- BFG 10K- Based on the Quake 3 weapon.
- Grenade launcher- Somewhat like the Grenade Launcher in the Quake series.
- Minigun- Generic "Spray and Pray" weapon, requires time for barrels to speed up/slow down.
- Railgun- Almost identical to the Railgun found in the Quake series.
Monsters added to Skulltag:
- Blood Demon- a twice as tough version of the demon.
- Dark Imp- a twice as tough imp with a faster fireball.
- Cacolantern- a twice a tough cacodemon with a faster fireball.
- Abaddon- a three times as tough and faster cacodemon that fires a volley of three powerful fireballs.
- Hectebus- a twice as powerful mancubus with a near-continuous spread attack.