Sikhism underlying values
The Sikhs must believe in the following Values:
- Equality: All humans are equal before God – No discrimination is allowed on the basis of Caste, Race, Sex, Creed, Origin, colour, education, status, wealth, etc. The principles of universal equality and brotherhood are important pillars of Sikhism.
- God’s Spirit: All Creatures have God’s spirits and must be properly respected. Show love for all living things. Mistreatment of any living creature is tabooed and forbidden. Remember, your next birth may be as a different animal or plant!
- Personal Right: Every person has a right to life but this right is restricted and has attached certain duties – Simple Living is essential: A Sikh is expected to rise early; meditate & pray; consume simple food (vegetarian preferred); do an honest days work; carry out your duties to your family; enjoy life and always be positive; be charitable and support the needy, etc.
- Actions Count: Salvation is obtained by one’s actions – Good deeds, remembrance of God – Naam Simran, Kirtan, etc
- Living a Family Life: Must live as a family unit (householder) to provide and nurture children for the perpetual benefit of creation.
- Sharing: It is encouraged to share and give to charity 10 percent of one’s net earnings.
- Accept God’s Will: Develop your personality so that you recognise happy event and miserable events as one – the Will of God causes them.
- The 4 Fruits of Life: Truth, Contentment, Contemplation and Naam, (in the Name of God)
See also Sikhism and Sikh religious philosophy.