- "Shrub" is also a derogatory nickname for United States President George W Bush.
- "Shrubbery" redirects here, and is also relevant to the sketch Knights who say Ni
A shrub or bush is a horticultural rather than strictly botanical category of woody plant, distinguished from a tree by its multiple stems and lower height, usually less than 6 m tall. A large number of plants can be either shrubs or trees, depending on the growing conditions they experience. Small, low shrubs such as lavender, periwinkle and thyme are often termed subshrubs.
The word bush can also refer to a type of plant community, as in the Australian bush. This is often characterised by scrubby, open woodland and is a generic term for Eucalyptus dominated woodland in particular.
Shrubs in common garden practice are generally broad-leaved plants, though some smaller conifers such as Mountain Pine and Common Juniper are also shrubby in structure. Shrubs can be either deciduous or evergreen.
When clipped as topiary, shrubs generally have dense foliage and many small leafy branches growing close together. Many shrubs respond well to renewal pruning, in which hard cutting back to a 'stool' results in long new stems known as "canes". Other shrubs respond better to selective pruning to reveal their structure and character.
List of Shrubs
Incomplete! Those marked * can also develop into tree form.
- A
- Abelia (Abelia)
- Actinidia (Actinidia)
- Aralia (Angelica Tree, Hercules' Club) *
- Arctostaphylos (Bearberry, Manzanita) *
- Aronia (Chokeberry)
- Artemisia (Sagebrush)
- Aucuba (Aucuba)
- B
- C
- Callicarpa (Beautyberry) *
- Callistemon (Bottlebrush) *
- Calluna (Heather)
- Calycanthus (Sweetshrub)
- Camellia (Camellia, Tea) *
- Caragana (Pea-tree) *
- Carpenteria (Carpenteria)
- Caryopteris (Blue Spiraea)
- Cassiope (Moss-heather)
- Ceanothus (Ceanothus) *
- Celastrus (Staff vine) *
- Ceratostigma (Hardy Plumbago)
- Cercocarpus (Mountain-mahogany) *
- Chaenomeles (Japanese Quince)
- Chamaebatiaria (Fernbush)
- Chamaedaphne (Leatherleaf)
- Chimonanthus (Wintersweet)
- Chionanthus (Fringe-tree) *
- Choisya (Mexican-orange Blossom) *
- Cistus (Rockrose)
- Clerodendrum (Clerodendrum)
- Clethra (Summersweet, Pepperbush) *
- Clianthus (Glory Pea)
- Colletia (Colletia)
- Colutea (Bladder Senna)
- Comptonia (Sweetfern)
- Cornus (Dogwood) *
- Corylopsis (Winter-hazel) *
- Cotinus (Smoketree) *
- Cotoneaster (Cotoneaster) *
- Cowania (Cliffrose)
- Crataegus (Hawthorn) *
- Crinodendron (Crinodendron) *
- Cytisus and allied genera (Broom) *
- D
- Daboecia (Heath)
- Dacaisnea (Blue Bean)
- Danae (Alexandrian Laurel)
- Daphne (Daphne)
- Dasiphora (Shrubby Cinquefoil)
- Dendromecon (Tree Poppy)
- Desfontainea (Desfontainea)
- Deutzia (Deutzia)
- Diervilla (Bush Honeysuckle)
- Dipelta (Dipelta)
- Dirca (Leatherwood)
- Drimys (Winter's Bark) *
- Dryas (Mountain Avens)
- E
- Elaeagnus (Elaeagnus) *
- Embothrium (Chilean Firebush) *
- Empetrum (Crowberry)
- Enkianthus (Pagoda Bush)
- Ephedra (Ephedra)
- Epigaea (Trailing Arbutus)
- Erica (Heath)
- Eriobotrya (Loquat) *
- Escallonia (Escallonia)
- Eucryphia (Eucryphia) *
- Euonymus (Spindle) *
- Exochorda (Pearl Bush)
- F
- Fabiana (Fabiana)
- Fallugia (Apache Plume)
- Fatsia (Fatsia)
- Forsythia (Forsythia)
- Fothergilla (Fothergilla)
- Franklinia (Franklinia) *
- Fremontodendron (Flannelbush)
- Fuchsia (Fuchsia) *
- G
- Garrya (Silk-tassel) *
- Gaultheria (Salal)
- Gaylussacia (Huckleberry)
- Genista (Broom) *
- Gordonia (Loblolly-bay) *
- Grevillea (Grevillea)
- Griselinia (Griselinia) *
- H
- Hakea (Hakea) *
- Halesia (Silverbell) *
- Halimium (Rockrose)
- Hamamelis (Witch-hazel) *
- Hebe (Hebe)
- Hedera (Ivy)
- Helianthemum (Rockrose)
- Hibiscus (Hibiscus) *
- Hippophae (Sea-buckthorn) *
- Hoheria (Lacebark) *
- Holodiscus (Creambush)
- Hudsonia (Hudsonia)
- Hydrangea (Hydrangea)
- Hypericum (Rose of Sharon)
- Hyssopus (Hyssop)
- I
- Ilex (Holly) *
- Illicium (Star Anise) *
- Indigofera (Indigo)
- Itea (Sweetspire)
- J
- K
- L
- Lagerstroemia (Crape-myrtle) *
- Lapageria (Copihue)
- Lavandula (Lavender)
- Lavatera (Tree Mallow)
- Ledum (Ledum)
- Leitneria (Corkwood) *
- Lespedeza (Bush Clover) *
- Leptospermum (Manuka) *
- Leucothoe (Sweetbells)
- Leycesteria (Leycesteria)
- Ligustrum (Privet) *
- Lindera (Spicebush) *
- Linnaea (Twinflower)
- Lonicera (Honeysuckle)
- Lupinus (Tree Lupin)
- Lycium (Boxthorn)
- M
- Magnolia (Magnolia)
- Mahonia (Mahonia)
- Menispermum (Moonseed)
- Menziesia (Menziesia)
- Mespilus (Medlar) *
- Microcachrys (Microcachrys)
- Myrica (Bayberry) *
- Myricaria (Myricaria)
- Myrtus and allied genera (Myrtle) *
- N
- O
- P
- Pachysandra (Pachysandra)
- Paeonia (Tree-peony)
- Perovskia (Russian Sage)
- Philadelphus (Mock-orange) *
- Phlomis (Jerusalem Sage)
- Photinia (Photinia) *
- Physocarpus (Ninebark) *
- Pieris (Pieris)
- Pistacia (Pistachio, Mastic) *
- Pittosporum (Pittosporum) *
- Polygala (Milkwort)
- Poncirus *
- Prunus (Cherry) *
- Purshia (Antelope Bush)
- Pyracantha (Firethorn)
- Q
- R
- Rhamnus (Buckthorn) *
- Rhododendron (Rhododendron, Azalea) *
- Rhus (Sumac) *
- Ribes (Currant)
- Romneya (Tree Poppy)
- Rosa (Rose)
- Rosmarinus (Rosemary)
- Rubus (Bramble)
- Ruta (Rue)
- S
- Sabia *
- Salix (Willow) *
- Salvia (Sage)
- Sambucus (Elder) *
- Santolina (Lavender Cotton)
- Sapindus (Soapberry) *
- Senecio (Senecio)
- Skimmia (Skimmia)
- Smilax (Smilax)
- Sophora (Mescalbean, Kowhai) *
- Sorbaria (Sorbaria)
- Spartium (Spanish Broom)
- Spiraea (Spiraea) *
- Staphylea (Bladdernut) *
- Stephanandra (Stephanandra)
- Styrax (Storax) *
- Symphoricarpos (Snowberry)
- Syringa (Lilac) *
- T
- U
- V
- Vaccinium (Bilberry, Blueberry, Cranberry)
- Verbena (Verbena)
- Viburnum (Viburnum) *
- Vinca (Periwinkle)
- Viscum (Mistletoe)
- W
- X
- Y
- Yucca (Yucca, Joshua tree) *
- Z
de:Strauch es:arbusto fr:Arbrisseau he:שיח (צמח) nl:Struik pl:Krzew pt:arbusto