Scooby Gang
The original Scooby Gang consists of four teenage sleuths named Fred, Daphne, Velma & Shaggy, who assisted the dog Scooby-Doo in the cartoon TV series Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! and its subsequent TV and movie sequels.
The name is also applied to the friends and helpers of Buffy Summers in the television show Buffy the Vampire Slayer. They are also referred to as the "Scoobies". The first appearance of the term on Buffy is in Episode 2.09: What's My Line? Part One, as spoken by Xander. The actual line-up of the "Scoobies" varied from season to season in the show as shown below.
- Seasons Two & Three:
- Giles
- Willow
- Xander
- Oz
- Cordelia
- Jenny Calendar (until killed by Angelus in episode 2.17)
- Angel
- Season Five:
- Seasons Six & Seven:
- Giles (though he returns to England in episode 6.08, returning in 6.21)
- Willow
- Xander
- Anya
- Tara (Until death in episode 6.19)
- Dawn
- Spike (mostly)