Run magazine

RUN was an American computer magazine published monthly by IDGE Communications with its first issue debuting in January 1984. Bi-monthly publishing began in April 1990, and went on until the magazine folded in November/December 1992.

The magazine contained articles about Commodore computers and peripherals. There were monthly articles including computer programmes written in BASIC and machine language. Popular articles included RUNning Remulations, News and News Products, Magic Column, Mega Magic, Software Gallery, Commodore Clinic, 128 Mode, Gold Mine, GEOS / Telecommunications Workshop, RUN Amok, RUN Classifieds. Frequent contributors were Dennis Brisson (Editor/Editor-in-Chief), Tim Walsh (Technical Editor), Lou Wallace (Consulting Editor), Ellen Rule (Consulting Editor), John Ryan (Freelance Writer), Tony Branter (Freelance Writer), John D. Rockefeller (Freelance Writer) and Arnie Katz (Freelance Writer). The demise of the magazine was due to the public's dwindling interest in 8-bit machines as the computer evolved to 16-bit. The front cover was accented by a font reading RUN, with each letter over a key button, but, in June 1987, the font removed the keys and became italicized with rounded letters.

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