Royal Danish Navy
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Flag of the Royal Danish Navy
Ships of the Royal Danish Navy carry the prefix KMD (Kongelige Danske Marine). In English, the prefix is translated to HDMS (His / Her Danish Majesty's Ship).
In the year 2001, the Kongelige Danske Marine (Royal Danish Navy) included:
- three Niels Juel-class corvettes, HDMS Niels Juel (F354), HDMS Olfert Fischer (F355), and HDMS Peter Tordenskiold (F356);
- three Tumleren-class submarines, HDMS Tumleren (S322), HDMS Sælen (S323), and HDMS Springeren (S324);
- two mothballed Narhval-class submarines, HDMS Narhvalen (S320) and HDMS Nordkaperen (S321);
- two Falster-class minelayers, HDMS Fyen (N81) and HDMS Møen (N82);
- two Lindormen-class minelayers, HDMS Lindormen (N43) and HDMS Lossen (N44);
- nine Barsø-class patrol vessels,
- 14 Flyvefisken-class patrol vessels,
- four Thetis-class ocean patrol vessels, HDMS Thetis (F357), HDMS Triton (F358), HDMS Vædderen (F359), and HDMS Hvidbjørnen (F360);
- six MRD-1 class minesweepers, HDMS MRD-1, HDMS MRD-2, HDMS MRD-3, HDMS MRD-4, HDMS MRD-5, and HDMS MRD-6;
- one Beskytteren-class ocean patrol vessel, HDMS Beskytteren (F340) (to be scrapped in 2000 or 2001);
- three Agdlek-class ocean patrol cutters, HDMS Agdlek (Y386), HDMS Agpa (Y387), and HDMS Tulugaq (Y388);
- one transport vessel, HDMS Sleipner (A559);
- one Royal Yacht, HDMS Dannebrog (A540);
- four icebreakers, HDMS Elbjørn (A550), HDMS Danbjørn (A551), HDMS Isbjørn (A552), and HDMS Thorbjørn (A553);
- two Gunnar Thorson-class environmental protection vessels, HDMS Gunnar Thorson (A560) and HDMS Gunnar Seidenfaden (A561);
- two Mette Miljø-class environmental protection vessels, HDMS Mette Miljø (A562) and HDMS Marie Miljø (A563);
- 15 MHV-800-class home guard vessels; and 25 other small vessels.