Richard Swinburne
Richard Swinburne (born December 26, 1934) is a British professor and philosopher primarily interested in the philosophy of religion. A member of the Greek Orthodox Church, he is noted as one of the foremost rational Christian apologists, arguing in his many articles and books that faith in Christianity is rational and coherent in a rigorous philosophical sense. While he makes some arguments to advance the belief that God exists, he argues primarily that God is a being whose existence is contingent (see modal logic), and thus that belief (and by unsaid extension, disbelief) is rational and coherent. Other subjects on which Swinburne writes include personal identity (in which he espouses a view based on the concept of a soul), and epistemic justification.
Swinburne has held various professorships through his career in academia, including from 1972 to 1985 at the Keele University. From 1982 to 1984 he gave the Gifford lectures at Aberdeen, resulting in the book The Evolution of the Soul. From 1985 until his retirement in 2002 he taught at the University of Oxford (where he now holds emeritus honors). He has been a very active author throughout his career, producing a major book every two to three years. Of these, his Is There a God? (1996), summarizing for a non-specialist audience many of his arguments for the existence of God and plausibility in the belief of that existence, is probably the most popular, and is available in translation in a dozen languages.
Major books
- The Coherence of Theism, 1977
- The Existence of God, 1979 (new edition 2004).
- Faith and Reason, 1981
- The Evolution of the Soul, 1986, ISBN 0198236980
- Responsibility and Atonement, 1989
- Revelation, 1991
- The Christian God, 1994
- Is There a God?, 1996, ISBN 0198235453
- Providence and The Problem of Evil, 1998
- Epistemic Justification, 2001
- The Resurrection of God Incarnate, 2003
External links
- Personal Homepage at Oxford University ( - Includes a curriculum vitae and more complete list of publications