Richard Evans Schultes
Richard Evans Schultes (January 12, 1915–April 10, 2001) was a Harvard ethnobotanist, famed for his work in entheogenic and hallucinogenic drugs. He was the first to identify the Mexican ololiuhqui and contributed to modern ethnobotanical knowledge of indigenous Native American, South American, and African cultures.
Books Published
- Potions, Poisons, and Panaceas (1997)
- Ethnobotany: Evolution of a Discipline (1995)
- Plants of the Gods (1992)
- Vine of the Soul (1992)
- The Glass Flowers at Harvard (1992)
- The Healing Forest (1990)
- Where the Gods Reign (1988)
- The Botany and Chemistry of Hallucinogens (1980)
- Hallucinogenic Plants (1976)
- Flesh of the Gods (1972)