Resurgam (Latin for "I will rise again") was the first sea-going mechanically powered submarine put to sea. Resurgam II was launched at Liverpool 26 November 1879. It sank 25 February 1880 near Rhyl in Wales, without loss of life, while being towed to Portsmouth. The wreck was discovered in 1995 in 60ft/18m of water.
The submarine was designed and built by Reverend George Garrett as a weapon to penetrate the chain netting placed around ship hulls to defend against torpedo vessels.
There were two Resurgam submarines. The first was a 14ft/5m, hand powered, one man vessel nick-named 'the curate's egg' due to its shape. The second was more easily compared with a modern Submarine. It was 40ft/12m long, 9ft/3m in diameter and weighed 30 tons. It was powered by a steam engine with an underwater duration of 4 hours under power.