Ranks and insignia of the Schutzstaffel
The Ranks and insignia of the Schutzstaffel were a paramilitary rank system used by the German SS, to differentiate the group from the German military, German state, and the Nazi Party. The original SS ranks were the same as the ranks of the SA, but eventually developed into their own unique titles. In line with the Führerprinzip (Leader Principle), the word Führer is used in the majority of SS ranks.
Contents |
SS rank insignia
SS General Officer Rank | Translation | Waffen-SS equivalent | German Army equivalent | Collar Insignia
1934–1942 | Collar Insignia
1942–1945 | Duty Shoulder Insignia | Dress Shoulder Insignia |
Reichsführer-SS | Reich Leader | N/A | Generalfeldmarschall | Missing image RFuhrer.gif | Missing image RFuhrer.gif | Missing image RFuhrerShoulder.jpg | Missing image RFuhrerShoulder.jpg |
Oberstgruppenführer | Colonel Group Leader | Generaloberst | Generaloberst | N/A | Missing image Ogrupfhr.gif | Missing image Obrgrpboards.jpg | Missing image SSGeneralBoard.jpg |
Obergruppenführer | Senior Group Leader | General | General | Missing image Oldgrpfuhrer.gif | Missing image Ogrupfhr2.gif | Missing image SSGenBoard.jpg | Missing image SSGeneralBoard.jpg |
Gruppenführer | Group Leader | Generalleutnant | Generalleutnant | Missing image Oldgrpfhr.gif | Missing image SSgrupfuhr.gif | Missing image SSgrupfhrboard.jpg | Missing image SSGeneralBoard.jpg |
Brigadeführer | Brigade Leader | Generalmajor | Generalmajor | Missing image Oldbrgfhr.gif | Missing image SSbrigadefhr.gif | Missing image SSBrigBoards.jpg | Missing image SSGeneralBoard.jpg |
Oberführer | Senior Leader | N/A | Oberst | Missing image Oldobrfhr.gif | Missing image SSobrfhr.gif | Missing image SSColonelBoard.jpg | Missing image SSGeneralBoard.jpg |
SS Officer Rank | Translation | German Army equivalent | Collar Insignia
1934–1945 | Duty Shoulder Insignia
1938–1945 | Dress Shoulder Insignia
1934–1945 |
Standartenführer | Regiment Leader | Oberst | Missing image NewSSColonel.gif | Missing image SSColonelBoard.jpg | Missing image SSColBrds.jpg |
Obersturmbannführer | Senior Storm Unit Leader | Oberstleutnant | Missing image SSLTCpatch.gif | Missing image SSLTColBrds.jpg | Missing image SSColBrds.jpg |
Sturmbannführer | Storm Unit Leader | Major | Missing image SSmajEarly.gif | Missing image SSMajBrds.jpg | Missing image SSColBrds.jpg |
Hauptsturmführer | Head Storm Leader | Hauptmann | Missing image SSCaptptch.gif | Missing image SSCptBrds.jpg | Missing image SSLTBrds.jpg |
Obersturmführer | Senior Storm Leader | Oberleutnant | Missing image SS1stLTptch.gif | ![]() | Missing image SSLTBrds.jpg |
Untersturmführer | Junior Storm Leader | Leutnant | Missing image SS2ndLTptch.gif | Missing image SS2Ltbrds.jpg | Missing image SSLTBrds.jpg |
SS NCO Rank | Translation | Officer Candidate Equivalent | German Army equivalent | Collar Insignia
1934–1945 | Duty Shoulder Insignia
1938–1945 | Dress Shoulder Insignia
1934–1945 |
Sturmscharführer | Storm Squad Leader | N/A | Stabsfeldwebel | Missing image SSsrgmagptch.gif | Missing image SSsrgmjrbrds.jpg | Missing image SSenlistboard.jpg |
Hauptscharführer | Head Squad Leader | Standartenoberjunker | Oberfeldwebel | Missing image SSmassrgptch.gif | Missing image SS1stsrgbrds.jpg | Missing image SSenlistboard.jpg |
Oberscharführer | Senior Squad Leader | Standartenjunker | Feldwebel | Missing image SSSrg1ptch.gif | Missing image SSStfsrgbrds.jpg | Missing image SSenlistboard.jpg |
Scharführer | Squad Leader | Oberjunker | Unterfeldwebel | Missing image SSstfsrgpatch.gif | ![]() | Missing image SSenlistboard.jpg |
Unterscharführer | Junior Squad Leader | Junker | Unteroffizier | Missing image SSsrgptch.gif | Missing image SSCorporalBrds.jpg | Missing image SSenlistboard.jpg |
SS Enlisted Rank | Translation | German Army equivalent | Collar Insignia
1934–1945 | Sleeve Insignia
1938–1945 | Duty Shoulder Insignia
1938–1945 | Dress Shoulder Insignia
1934–1945 |
Rottenführer | Section Leader | Obergefreiter | Missing image SScprptch.gif | Missing image SScplshld.gif | Missing image SSSoldBrd.gif | Missing image SSenlistboard.jpg |
Sturmmann | Storm Trooper | Gefreiter | Missing image SSLcplptch.gif | Missing image SSlcplsldr.gif | Missing image SSSoldBrd.gif | Missing image SSenlistboard.jpg |
Oberschütze/Obermann | Senior Trooper | Oberschütze | Missing image SSMannptch.gif | Missing image SSPFCptch.gif | Missing image SSSoldBrd.gif | Missing image SSenlistboard.jpg |
Schütze/Mann | Trooper | Schütze | Missing image SSMannptch.gif | No Insignia | Missing image SSSoldBrd.gif | Missing image SSenlistboard.jpg |
Anwärter | Recruit | No Equivalent | No Insignia | No Insignia | No Insignia | No Insignia |
Bewerber | Candidate | No Equivalent | No Insignia | No Insignia | No Insignia | No Insignia |
SS Rank | Translation | Army Equivalent | Collar Insignia | Shoulder Insignia |
Obergruppenführer | Senior Group Leader | General | Missing image Oldgrpfuhrer.gif | Missing image SSGeneralBoard.jpg |
Gruppenführer | Group Leader | Lieutenant General | Missing image Oldgrpfhr.gif | Missing image SSGeneralBoard.jpg |
Brigadeführer | Brigade Leader | Major General | Missing image Oldbrgfhr.gif | Missing image SSGeneralBoard.jpg |
Oberführer | Senior Leader | Brigadier General | Missing image Oldobrfhr.gif | Missing image SSGeneralBoard.jpg |
Standartenführer | Regiment Leader | Colonel | Missing image FirstSScol.gif | Missing image SSColBrds.jpg |
Obersturmbannführer | Senior Storm Unit Leader | Lieutenant Colonel | Missing image SSLTCpatch.gif | Missing image SSColBrds.jpg |
Sturmbannführer | Storm Unit Leader | Major | Missing image SSmajEarly.gif | Missing image SSColBrds.jpg |
Sturmhauptführer | Storm Head Leader | Captain | Missing image OldSScptptch.gif | Missing image SSLTBrds.jpg |
Obersturmführer | Senior Storm Leader | First Lieutenant | Missing image SSCap1.gif | Missing image SSLTBrds.jpg |
Sturmführer | Storm Leader | Second Lieutenant | Missing image SSLT1.gif | Missing image SSLTBrds.jpg |
Haupttruppführer | Head Troop Leader | Sergeant Major | Missing image SSsrgmagptch.gif | Missing image SSenlistboard.jpg |
Obertruppführer | Senior Troop Leader | Master Sergeant | Missing image SSmassrgptch.gif | Missing image SSenlistboard.jpg |
Truppführer | Troop Leader | Sergeant First Class | Missing image SSSrg1ptch.gif | Missing image SSenlistboard.jpg |
Oberscharführer | Senior Squad Leader | Staff Sergeant | Missing image SSstfsrgpatch.gif | Missing image SSenlistboard.jpg |
Scharführer | Squad Leader | Sergeant | Missing image SSsrgptch.gif | Missing image SSenlistboard.jpg |
Rottenführer | Section Leader | Corporal | Missing image SScprptch.gif | Missing image SSenlistboard.jpg |
Sturmmann | Storm Trooper | Private First Class | Missing image SSLcplptch.gif | Missing image SSenlistboard.jpg |
Mann | Trooper | Private | Missing image SSMannptch.gif | Missing image SSenlistboard.jpg |
Anwärter | Recruit | Recruit | No Insignia | No Insignia |
SS Rank | Army Equivalent | Collar Insignia |
Gruppenführer | General | Missing image Oldgrpfhr.gif |
Oberführer | Brigadier | Missing image Oldobrfhr.gif |
Standartenführer | Colonel | Missing image FirstSScol.gif |
Sturmbannführer | Major | Missing image SSmajEarly.gif |
Sturmhauptführer | Captain | Missing image SSCap1.gif |
Sturmführer | Lieutenant | Missing image SSLT1.gif |
Haupttruppführer | Sergeant Major | Missing image HTfhr.gif |
Truppführer | Sergeant | Missing image Tfhr.gif |
Scharführer | Corporal | Missing image Schrfhr.gif |
Mann | Private | Missing image SSMann.gif |
The earliest SS ranks were titles with no recognizable insignia. By 1929, a system of white stripes, centered on an armband, denoted SS rank with the first established SS ranks listed below:
- Reichsführer (Reich Leader) Three Stripes
- Oberführer (Senior Leader) Two Stripes
- Staffelführer (Squadron Leader) One Stripe
- Mann (Trooper) No Stripes
Police ranks
In 1936, the SS absorbed the regular German police and formed the Ordnungspolizei. Known as the Orpo, the Ordnungspolizei was considered a full branch of the SS but maintained a separate system of insignia and Orpo ranks. It was also possible for SS members to hold dual status in both the Orpo and the SS, and SS-Generals were referred to simultaneously by both rank titles. For instance, an Obergruppenführer in the SS, who was also a Police General, would be referred to as Obergruppenführer und General der Polizei.
Waffen-SS Generals
SS Generals of the Waffen-SS were typically addressed by both their SS rank title and a corresponding General's rank associated with the Wehrmacht. All such General ranks were followed by the phrase der Waffen-SS to distinguish the SS General from their counterparts in other branches of the German military. Thus, a typical title would be Obergruppenführer und General der Waffen-SS.
In 1944, all SS General Officers were granted equivalent Waffen-SS rank so that, in the event that they were captured by the Allies, they would have status as military officers instead of police officials. For those who had held police rank prior to 1944, the SS General's title could become rather lengthy. Ernst Kaltenbrunner, for instance, was listed on the SS rolls in 1945 as Obergruppenführer und General der Polizei und Waffen-SS
Additional information
- Stabsscharführer was a positional rank granted to the senior NCO of an SS Company. The position was the equivalent of a First Sergeant. Stabsscharführer was denoted by a special sleeve patch, worn on the upper right arm of the SS uniform.
- The rank of Staffelführer was also commonly referred to simply as SS-Führer.
- The rank of Sturmscharführer was only used by the Waffen-SS.
- The rank of Oberstgruppenführer did not exist until 1942 and was originally created to give senior Waffen-SS Generals equivalent rank to Wehrmacht Colonel Generals. Only four people ever held the rank of Oberstgruppenführer.
- SS officers holding the rank of Standartenführer and above wore rank insignia on both collar patches. All other SS members wore their rank on the left collar patch while an SS unit badge was worn on the right.