Radio Church of God
The Radio Church of God began as a religious radio program during 1934 on station KORE in Eugene, Oregon presented by Herbert W. Armstrong and supported by an unincorporated voluntary association of members meeting as the Church of God. When Herbert W. Armstrong left Oregon for Pasadena, California he incorporated his church for the first time on March 3, 1946, under the name Radio Church of God. This article is about the history of the original church created by Herbert W. Armstrong until the time of his death on January 16, 1986. For a later history after that date, see the article about the Worldwide Church of God.
Background history
For a background history of the Radio Church of God and its basic beliefs, see the article about the life of Herbert W. Armstrong.
1968 change of name
On January 5, 1968 the corporate name of the church was changed to Worldwide Church of God although its doctines remained unchanged until after the death of Herbert W. Armstrong on January 16, 1986.
1972 to 1981
In 1958 Stanley Rader met Herbert W. Armstrong for the first time as an accountant. He later became a lawyer and corporate attorney for the church. Some sources claim that it was after the first round of possible sex scandals which came to public attention in 1972 involving Garner Ted Armstrong, Stanley Rader created a new direction for the church which lasted until his own retirement in 1981. For a more detailed, though not necessarily accurate, examination of that period see the article about Stanley Rader.