Racial Holy War
RAcial HOly WAr (RAHOWA) is the belief that white people should unite and undertake a holy war against Jews and non-whites. The concept was first put forward by Ben Klassen, founder of the World Church of the Creator. Since the group's inception, the term "racial holy war" has gained some popularity within racist terminology, but has not seen wide use outside white supremacist groups.
There was also RAHOWA, a band produced by Resistance Records, a white power record label which was primarily used as a recruiting mechanism for Matthew F. Hale's incarnation of the WCOTC. George Burdi was the founder of the band which was based out of Ontario, Canada. The band eventually split up after Burdi was arrested for charges of tax fraud and hate speech, which is illegal in Canada. He spent two years in prison and then left the racist movement, later marrying an East Indian woman and formed a band called Novacosm.