Peter Deunov
Peter Deunov (also known as Beinsa Douno)
Peter Deunov (also known as Beinsa Douno) was born July 12, 1864 near the Black Sea, son of a Bulgarian Orthodox priest of singular devotion and vision. From 1888 to 1895 he studied medicine and theology in Boston, where he made a remarkable impression on those who knew him. Returning to his own country, he withdrew mainly into the mountains to prepare for his Divine Work.
In 1897 he began his teaching work and in 1898 issued a "Call to My People." In 1900 he established the "White Brotherhood," based on Divine Love, Wisdom, Truth, Justice, and Goodness. From then on he traveled throughout the country, teaching and healing, eventually establishing his base in Sofia, where a community gradually grew up around him and regular lectures were given. Annual congresses were held in August and continue to this day in the Rila mountains near the Seven Sacred Lakes. PanEuRhythmy was gradually given to the hundreds of people who camped there with him, inspired by his teaching and presence.
He passed over on the 27th of December 1944 leaving a following of 40,000 people. Since then his teachings have continued to be practiced, most notably the PanEuRhythmy which was first performed in secret during the following forty-five years of oppression which he had predicted, and now openly and worldwide because of its remarkable life-enhancing qualities and evolutionary potential.
Albert Einstein, French Public Radio