Period 7 element
A period 7 element is one of the chemical elements in the seventh row (or period) of the periodic table of the elements.
These are:
Group | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 |
# Name |
87 Fr |
88 Ra |
89-103 | 104 Rf |
105 Db |
106 Sg |
107 Bh |
108 Hs |
109 Mt |
110 Ds |
111 Rg |
112 Uub |
113 Uut |
114 Uuq |
115 Uup |
116 Uuh |
117 Uus |
118 Uuo |
e--conf. |
# Name |
89 Ac |
90 Th |
91 Pa |
92 U |
93 Np |
94 Pu |
95 Am |
96 Cm |
97 Bk |
98 Cf |
99 Es |
100 Fm |
101 Md |
102 No |
103 Lr |
e--conf. |
Alkali metals | Alkaline earths | Lanthanide | Actinides | Transition metals |
Poor metals | Metalloids | Nonmetals | Halogens | Noble gases |
Period 1 element - Period 2 element - Period 3 element - Period 4 element - Period 5 element - Period 6 element - Period 7 element - Period 8 element
de:Periode-7-Element es:Elementos del periodo 7 eo:Elemento de periodo 7 fr:Éléments de la période 7 it:Elementi del periodo 7 nl:Periode 7 element ja:第7周期の元素 pl:Pierwiastek 7 okresu