Pepperoncini pepper
pepperoncini, pepperoncino - Also known as Tuscan peppers, sweet Italian peppers, waxed peppers, and golden Greek peppers. The Italian varieties, grown in the Tuscany region of Italy, tend to be more bitter than their Greek counterparts. The more popular Greek varieties are sweeter and commonly found in pizzerias tossed in salads for a crunchy, salty taste. They have a bushy plant that grows to 30 inches tall and producing sweet green peppers that turn red when mature. Usually picked at 2 to 3 inches long, these bright green, wrinkled peppers taper to a blunt, lobed end and are very popular for pickling. These peppers are mild and sweet with a slight heat to them, and are commonly jarred for use in Greek salads and salad bars.
Great for:
Sandwiches, salads, and as a garnish for just about anything Italian.Recipies:
Beef with Pepperoncinis (
Tortellini Pepperoncini Salad (