Oxygen burning process
The oxygen burning process is a nuclear fusion reaction that occurs in massive stars that have used up the lighter elements in their cores. It occurs at 1.5×109K and densities of 1010kg/m3.
16O + 16O → 32S + γ → 31S + n → 31P + 1H → 28Si + 4He → 24Mg + 24He With the neon burning process an inert core of O-Mg forms in the centre of the star. As the neon burning turns off, the core contracts and heats up to the ignition point for the oxygen burning. In about six months to one year the star consumes its oxygen, accumulating a new core rich in silicon. This core is inert because is not hot enough. Once oxygen is exhausted, the core cools and contracts. This contraction heats it up to the point that silicon burning process ignites. Proceeding outward, there are a oxygen burning shell, followed by the neon shell, the carbon shell, the helium shell and the hydrogen shell.