Ogygia was believed to have been an island in the Mediterranean that sank following a huge and powerful earthquake, which shook the area before the bronze age.
Also, according to Homer's Odyssey, Ogygia was the home of the nymph Calypso, where she entertained Odysseus for seven years.
Strabo proposed that Ogygia and Skherķa, were located in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.
- For Homer says also: "Now after the ship had left the river-stream of Oceanus"; and "In the island of Ogygia, where is the navel of the sea," going on to say that the daughter of Atlas lives there; and again, regarding the Phaeacians, "Far apart we live in the wash of the waves, the farthermost of men, and no other mortals are conversant with us." Now all these incidents are clearly indicated as being placed in fancy in the Atlantic Ocean. (Strabo, Geography, Book I, 2, 18)
The river-stream of Oceanus quoted by Homer can be identified today as the Gulf stream. Strabo takes this into account. He is also aware that no streams worth mentioning exist in the Mediterranean sea.
It was also believed that Ogygia was a part of sunken Atlantis.
Others say that the island of Ogygia still exists and that the island is now known as the island of Gozo, the second largest island in the Maltese archipelago. These people claim that this confirms the existence of Atlantis and that the Maltese archipelago, together with some other islands, is the residue of Atlantis.