Netwar is a societal level ideational conflict(s) waged in part through internetted modes of communication.
Netwar is a term developed by RAND researchers John Arquella and David Ronfeldt used in their report: Arquilla, John. Ronfeldt, David. “Cyberwar is Coming”. Comparative Strategies Vol 12 1993 p 141-166
A netwar is a societal level ideational conflict(s) waged in part through intenetted modes of communication. This is a different concept than cyberwarfare and can be used to help explain Chinese military theory involving information warfare.
- Ahrari, M. Ehsan. “U.S. Military Perspectives on the PRC: New Frontiers of an Information Based War”. Asian Survey. Vol. 37, No. 12, (Dec 1997) pp 1163-1180
- Thomas, Timothy L. “Behind the Great Firewall of China: A Look at RMA/IW Theory From 1996-1998”. Foreign Military Studies Office, Fort Leavenworth, KS November 1998
- Arquilla, John. Ronfeldt, David. “Cyberwar is Coming”. Comparative Strategies Vol 12 1993 p 141-166
- Hess, Parnela. “China Prevented Repeat Cyber Attack on US”. United Press International October 2002