
Mystery! (also written MYSTERY!) is a long-running television series that premiered on PBS in 1979 and is produced by WGBH. The show has allowed a large number of detective series and television movies, most of them British productions from the BBC or various ITV companies, to air on American television. In 2002 they added an American produced series based on the novels of Tony Hillerman to their roster. The American flag was worked intro the opening title sequence.

The first host of the show was film critic Gene Shalit. He was soon replaced by Vincent Price, who hosted the series from 1981 to 1989. When his failing health forced him to relinquish this role he was replaced by Diana Rigg. She had the unique opportunity to introduce herself when the series Mother Love, and later, The Mrs Bradley Mysteries were aired. Beginning in 2004 shows began airing without a host.

Mystery! came into being as a result of the success of Masterpiece Theatre, and particularly of a series of programmes adapted from the Lord Peter Wimsey mysteries by Dorothy L. Sayers. One of Mystery! 's early successes was with Rumpole of the Bailey. Other noted successes included The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes starring Jeremy Brett in the title role, Inspector Morse with John Thaw, Brother Cadfael starring Derek Jacobi and Prime Suspect starring Helen Mirren. The last one proved so popular that the series was moved to Masterpiece Theatre for higher ratings.

Like Masterpiece Theatre, Mystery! was financed by the Mobil corporation (now Exxon Mobil).

After airing on Thursday night for most of its history it has been moved to Sunday nights where it alternates with episodes of Masterpiece Theatre.

Mystery! is noted for its animated title sequence, based on the cartoons of Edward Gorey.


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