Mojo Jojo
Mojo Jojo (voiced by Roger L. Jackson) is a fictional character in the animated series The Powerpuff Girls. He is a notorious genius monkey mad scientist who lives in his lab in the middle of Townsville, USA inside an astronomy observatory tower built atop a dormant volcano. His main goal is to destroy the Powerpuff Girls, crush Townsville, and conquer the world, in that order. In order to do this, he spends much of his time plotting and inventing new weapons technology. This normally comes in the shape of giant robots or large energy weapons. He was also the creator of The Rowdyruff Boys.
Ironically, Mojo is responsible for creating the Powerpuff Girls. He was a lab assistant named Jojo, working for Professor Utonium, when he caused the professor to accidentally add Chemical X to his formula of sugar and spice and everything nice. This accident created the Powerpuff Girls, but it also caused Jojo's brain to grow huge, turning him into the notorious Mojo Jojo. He wears a delicate glass dome hat over his gigantic brain.
Mojo speaks English with a deep voice and a (bad) Japanese accent. He has a bad habit of repeating, reiterating, and re-phrasing the same sentences and phrases continuously. He gets this speech pattern from a humorous interpretation of dialogue that is dubbed, probably from Japanese into English. It takes a longer time to say certain things in Japanese than in English. When dubbing, one wants to keep the English speaker's mouth moving for as long as the Japanese actor's mouth is moving. This can most easily be done by repeating phrases, again and again, and again. Thus a character in a Japanese movie seems to be repeating himself when listened to by English-speaking audiences. (See: Engrish)
Note that Mojo seems to be unaware of this habit. In one episode Bubbles had her head crushed and thought that she was Mojo Jojo, and thus spoke redundantly just as Mojo does. However, Mojo accused her of repeating phrases nonsensically.
He is disliked by other monkeys, who think he gives monkeys a bad name; when he's not doing bad things, he's also a great (and rather artistic) chef--though the Girls dislike his cooking, possibly because he prepares sushi the traditional way, with hot wasabi, and small children tend to dislike too-spicy dishes.
Funny enough, there are a few shows with Mojo saving the day instead of the Powerpuff Girls, making Mojo the second largest day-saver in the series after the Girls. He usually hates to face it.
He also makes a cameo appearance as an unimaginary friend (Because the idea was simply copied from TV) in the pilot episode of Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends.