Mistastin crater
Missing image
Mistastin Lake crater.
(Labrador, Canada)
(Labrador, Canada)
Mistastin is a meteor crater in Labrador, Canada.
Mistastin Lake is a roughly circular lake in Labrador. There is an arcuate central island that is interpreted to be the central uplift of the complex crater structure. The target rocks were part of a batholith composed of adamellite, mangerite and lenses of anorthosite. There are abundant shock metamorphic features exhibited in the rocks of the island. PDF’s, diaplectic glass, melt rocks, and shatter cones have been identified.
The current lake is approximately 16 km in diameter, while the estimated diameter of the original crater is 28km. The age is estimated to be 36.4 ± 4 million years (Eocene). The crater is exposed to the surface.
Missing image
Mistastin Lake crater, Labrador, Canada.
(Landsat Image)
(Landsat Image)
External links
- Earth Impact Database (http://www.unb.ca/passc/ImpactDatabase/)Template:Canada-geo-stub