Miguel Angel Burelli Rivas
Miguel Angel Burelli Rivas (b.8 July 1922 d.22 October 2003) was born in La Puerta, Venezuela. Politician, Diplomat, and Doctor of Law with a post-graduate degree in Political Sciences in Florence University and post-graduate degree in Law from Madrid, Spain. He was Director of the General Minister of Interior Affairs.
He served as Director of the Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE), Minister of Justice; Ambassador of Venezuela in the United States, Ambassador of Venezuela in Colombia; Ambassador of Venezuela in the United Kingdom (1967-1968); Running for the Presidency of the Republic (1968); Ambassador of Venezuela to the United States of North America (1974-76); President of the Commission in charge of organizating the Third United Nations Conference about Maritime Laws (1964); Director of the Latin America High Studies(Universidad Simon Bolivar, Caracas) and author of various books.
He was a member of the Laws Accessories Committee of the Foreign Affairs Ministry. Foreign Affaires minister of Venezuela (1994-1998). He was forced into exile in Spain when Marcos Perez Jimenez came to power in mid 50´s and continued to fight against Hugo Chávez when he won the elections in 1998. A few years after retiring from politics, he died peacefully in Washington DC after suffering from a pulmonary cancer.