This is a list of words beginning with the Mc prefix, in cases where it references McDonald's and its associated cultural effects. Most of these terms are negative.
- McDojo - The fast food equivalent of a Dojo (martially not legitimate)
- McDonaldization - Term used in George Ritzer's thesis
- McJob - A low-paying job in which one serves as an interchangeable cog in a corporate machine; popularised by Douglas Coupland's novel Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture
- McMansion - Quickly-built mansions, as much alike as McDonald's hamburgers
- McPaper - USA Today
- McWorld - The globalized Earth
- McLibel case - A famous libel case in England in which McDonalds won a pyrrhic victory
- McData - Technology company specializing in SANs and similar technologies
- McMurder - The 1984 McDonald's massacre, in which James Oliver Huberty killed 21 patrons and wounded 19 others. Also a website that chronicles this and other murders that have happened at McDonalds restaurants.
- McStomachache - The scene from the movie Super Size Me in which Morgan Spurlock vomited up a Super Size Meal from McDonald's.
See also: List of prefixes in the English language, McDonaldization