Magical organization
A magical organization is an organization put up for the furtherance of its members by use of magic or to further the knowledge of magic among its members. This is a collective name of hermetical orders, Wicca circles, esoteric societies, arcane colleges, witches' covens and innumerable other such organizatorial names.
List of magical organizations
- Ancient Mystical Order of the Rose Cross
- Dragon Rouge
- Confraternity of the Rose Cross
- Order Militia Crucifera Evangelica
- Fraternitas Rosae Crucis
- Servants of the Light
- Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn
- Illuminates of Thanateros
- Ordo Templi Orientis
- Knights Templar
- Sacred Fraternity of the Cross
- Ordre Martiniste
- Theosophical Society
- A∴A∴ (Argenteum Astrum)