- (The former capital of Ethiopia, Magdala, is now known as Amba Mariam)
Magdala ("tower") a small village, apparently in Galilee, for it seems to have been the birthplace of Mary Magdalene called the Magdalene, or "Mary of Magdala"
The name given in the Revised Version of Matthew 15:39 for Magdala is Magadan. It is probably another name for the same place, or it was a village so near it that the shore where Jesus landed may have belonged to either village.
The Talmud mentions two places named Magdala. One Magdala was in the east, on the Yarmuk near Gadara (in the Middle Ages Jadar, now Mukes), thus acquiring the name of Magdala Gadar. There was another, better-known Magdala near Tiberias, Magdala Nunayya, ("Magdala of the Fishes"), which would locate it on the shore of the lake. Josephus mentions a wealthy Galilean town destroyed by the Romans in the Jewish War (III, x) with the Greek name Taricheæ (Josephus does not give its Hebrew name), from its prosperous fisheries.
External link
- Catholic Encyclopedia: ( Magdala, the two possible locations mentioned in the Talmud