Luann is a syndicated comic strip, distributed in newspapers by United Features Syndicate since 1987, featuring the ups and downs of life for an average American teenager, Luann Degroot. Co-starring her friends Bernice and Delta, the comic occasionally covers topical issues, as well as conflicts with other characters, such as her family, including her "hopeless" firefighter brother Brad, and popular cheerleader Tiffany who is her main rival for the affections of Aaron Hill. Other characters include fellow students Knute and Gunther, insightful high school teachers, and Brad's semi-unrequited love interest Toni Datona.
Luann is drawn by Greg Evans, who won the 2003 Reuben Award for Cartoonist of the Year. The strip attained a degree of notoriety for its past consideration of menstruation, drug abuse, birth control, drunk driving, and other social and political issues, with many readers contending that the cartoonist was using his strip as a soapbox from which to preach his liberal views on such matters rather than to entertain. Evans has since then largely avoided addressing "social issues" and confined himself to the themes and conflicts of teen life.
External link
- Official site (