List of psychologists
This list includes famous psychologists and contributors to psychology; some of them may not have thought of themselves primarily as psychologists but are included here because of their important contributions to the discipline.
Specialised lists of psychologists can be found at the articles comparative psychology and list of social psychologists. Psychologists included in those lists are also listed below:
- Alfred Adler
- Jüri Allik
- Gordon Allport
- Michael Argyle
- Solomon Asch
- Roberto Assagioli
- John William Atkinson
- Aushra Augustinavichute
- Albert Bandura
- Vladimir Bekhterev
- Sir Frederic Bartlett
- Aaron T. Beck (A psychiatrist, not a psychologist; founder of cognitive therapy)
- Ernest Becker
- Richard Bentall
- Daryl Bem
- Alfred Binet
- David Birch
- Nathaniel Branden
- Donald Broadbent
- Jerome S. Bruner
- Sir Cyril Burt
- Mary Calkins
- James Cattell
- Laura Carstensen
- Jean-Martin Charcot
- Clyde Coombs
- John Dewey
- Paul Ekman
- Albert Ellis (founder of "Rational Emotive Behavorial Therapy")
- Havelock Ellis
- Erik H. Erikson
- Milton H. Erickson
- Hans Eysenck
- Dietrich Doerner
- Leon Festinger
- Viktor Frankl
- Anna Freud
- Sigmund Freud (Founder of Psychoanalysis)
- Erich Fromm
- John Gabrieli
- Francis Galton
- J. J. Gibson
- Daniel Goleman
- Elizabeth Gould
- Robert Grosseteste
- J. P. Guilford
- G. Stanley Hall
- Harry Harlow
- Friedrich Hayek
- Donald O. Hebb
- Fritz Heider
- Richard Herrnstein
- Leta Hollingworth
- Edwin Holt
- Karen Horney
- David Hume
- Clark L. Hull
- Edwin Hutchins
- William James
- Kay Redfield Jamison
- Arthur Janov (invented Primal therapy)
- Julian Jaynes
- Marcia K. Johnson
- Phlip Johnson-Laird
- Ernest Jones
- Mary Cover Jones
- Carl Gustav Jung
- Daniel Kahneman (Nobel laureate)
- George Kelly
- Otto F. Kernberg (psychiatrist)
- Alfred Kinsey
- Melanie Klein
- Friedhart Klix
- Kurt Koffka (co-founder of Gestalt psychology)
- Wolfgang Köhler (co-founder of Gestalt psychology)
- Lawrence Kohlberg
- Heinz Kohut
- Emil Kraepelin
- Gundula Krause
- Elizabeth Kübler-Ross
- Jacques Lacan
- Ellen Langer
- Karl Lashley
- Kurt Lewin
- Elizabeth Loftus
- Rollo May
- Abraham Maslow
- William Masters and Virginia Johnson (Physicians, not psychologists)
- Rollo May
- Lloyd deMause
- David McClelland
- James McClelland
- William McDougall
- Ronald Melzack
- Wolfgang Metzger (main representative of Gestalt psychology in Germany)
- Stanley Milgram
- Alice Miller
- George A. Miller
- Neal E. Miller
- Brenda Milner
- Arnold Mindell (founder of Process Oriented Psychology)
- Raymond Moody
- C. Lloyd Morgan (noted for his canon)
- O. H. Mowrer
- Hugo Munsterberg
- John F. Murray (sport psychologist)
- Ulrich Neisser
- Alexander Sutherland Neill
- Erich Neumann
- Donald Norman
- James "Jim" Olds
- Ivan Pavlov
- Fritz Perls
- Jean Piaget
- Steven Pinker
- Jonathan Potter
- James W. Prescott
- Vilayanur S. Ramachandran
- Otto Rank
- Wilhelm Reich
- Samuel Renshaw
- Carl Rogers
- Hermann Rorschach
- Eleanor Rosch
- Julian Rotter
- David Rumelhart
- Virginia Satir (A social worker, not a psychologist)
- Daniel Schacter
- Stanley Schachter
- Walter Dill Scott
- Martin Seligman
- Morita Shoma
- Burrhus F. Skinner
- Herbert Simon (Nobel laureate)
- Paul Slovic
- Charles Spearman
- Stanley Smith Stevens
- Robert Sternberg
- Harry Stack Sullivan
- José Szapocznik
- Edward L. Thorndike
- L. L. Thurstone
- Edward Titchener
- Endel Tulving
- Edward C. Tolman
- Anne Treisman
- Amos Tversky
- Dimitri Uznadze
- Liev S. Vygotski
- Hans-Juergen Walter (founder of Gestalt Theoretical Psychotherapy)
- Margaret Floy Washburn (First female PhD in psychology)
- John B. Watson
- David Wechsler
- Max Wertheimer (co-founder of Gestalt psychology)
- Wilhelm Wundt (father of Experimental psychology)
- Irvin Yalom (A psychiatrist, not a psychologist)
- Robert Yerkes
- Robert J. Zajonc
- Oliver L. Zangwill
- Philip Zimbardo
- Donald Woods Winnicott
Prescientific theorists:
See also: List of people by occupationde:Liste bekannter Psychologen und Psychotherapeuten fr:Liste de psychologues is:Listi yfir sálfræðinga pl:Znani psycholodzy zh:心理学家列表