List of people by name: Hol
List of people by name
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Ha | Hb-Hd | He | Hf-Hh | Hi-Hm | Hn | Ho | Hp-Hq | Hr | Hs | Ht | Hu | Hv | Hw | Hx | Hy | Hz
Name Ho | Hoa-Hok | Hol | Hom-Hop | Hor-Hov | How | Hox-Hoz
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Hola - Holk
- Holbein, Ambrosius, (1494-1519), painter
- Holbein, Hans, the Elder, (c.1465-1524), German painter
- Holbein, Hans, the Younger, (c.1497-1543), German illustrator, painter
- Holberg, Ludvig, (1684-1754), playwright
- Holbrook, Hal, (born 1925), actor
- Holbrook, Stewart, (1893-1964), American author
- Holcot, Robert, scholastic philosopher
- Holden, Bob, (born 1949), US governor
- Holden, Charles, (1875-1960), architect
- Holden, Hale, American railroad executive (Chairman of Southern Pacific Exec. Comm. 1928-1932, Chairman of Board of Dir. 1932-1939)
- Holden, William, (1918-1981), actor
- Hölder, Otto, (1859-1937), mathematician
- Hölderlin, Friedrich, (1770-1843), poet
- Holdheim, Samuel (1806-1860), German rabbi and author, leader of the extreme wing of the early Reform Judaism movement
- Holdridge, Cheryl, (born 1944), actress and Mouseketeer
- Holenstein, Thomas, (1896-1962), Swiss Federal Councilor
- Holiday, Billie, (1915-1959), US singer
- Holinshed, Raphael, (died c. 1580), historian
- Holkeri, Harri Hermanni, (born 1937), Finnish politician
- Holland, Brian, songwriter (Holland-Dozier-Holland)
- Holland, Dave, musician
- Holland, Dominic, British comedian
- Holland, Eddie, songwriter (Holland-Dozier-Holland)
- Holland, John Philip, (1840-1914), "true" submarine designer
- Holland, Jools, (born 1958), television personality, musician
- Holland, Josiah Gilbert, US novelist
- Holland, Tom, author
- Hollander, Xaviera, (born 1943), Dutch-born prostitute, sex author
- Hollein, Hans, architect
- Hollenbeck, John, musician
- Holler, Karl, (1907-1987), composer
- Hollerith, Herman, (1860-1929), U.S. Census head, punch card inventor
- Holliday, Charles O., CEO, DuPont
- Holliday, Cyrus K., founder and first president (1860-1863) of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway
- Holliday, Doc, (died 1887), dentist, gunfighter
- Holliday, Judy, (1921-1965), actress
- Hollingshead, Greg, Canadian writer
- Holloway, Brenda, musician
- Holloway, Josh, U.S. actor
- Holly, Buddy, (1936-1959), American singer-songwriter, musician
- Holly, Maria Elena, (born 1935), wife of Buddy Holly
People named Holm
- Holm, Celeste (born 1919), actress
- Holm, Eleanor G. (1913-2004), Olympic Games swimming champion
- Holm, Hanya (1893-1992)
- Holm, Kris, unicyclist
- Holm, Ian (born 1931)
- Holm, Peter
- Holm, Stefan (born 1976)
- Holmberg, Barbro
- Holmberg, Bo (born 1942), Swedish politician
People named Holme
- Holme, Edith Constance (1880-1955)
- Holme, Thomas (1624-1695)
- Holmes, Alan
- Holmes, Arthur (1890-1965)
- Holmès, Augusta Mary Anne (1847-1903)
- Holmes, Christopher John
- Holmes, David (1769-1832)
- Holmes, David, musician
- Holmes, David, sportscaster
- Holmes, Gabriel (1769-1829)
- Holmes, George Milton
- Holmes, Hamilton E. (1941-1995), physician, educator, and integrationist
- Holmes, Jessica (born 1973)
- Holmes, John (1944-1988), US porn star
- Holmes, John (1773-1843), U.S. politician
- Holmes, John Clellon (1926-1988)
- Holmes, Katie (born 1978), US actor
- Holmes, Larry (born 1949), world champion boxer
- Holmes, Mary Jane, US novelist
- Holmes, Oliver Wendell (1809-1894), US scholar
- Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr. (1841-1935), Supreme Court justice
- Holmes, Paul (born 1961), broadcaster
- Holmes, Paul Robert (born 1957), politician
- Holmes, Richard, military historian
- Holmes, Richard Arnold "Groove" (1931-1991)
- Holmes, Robert, composer
- Holmes, Robert Colin (1928-1986)
- Holmes, Simon Hugh (1831-1919)
- Holmes, Tom
- Holmgren, David (born 1955)
- Holmgren, Mike (born 1948), American football coach
Holo - Holz
- Holohan, Michael, member of Aosdána
- Holst, Adriaan Roland (1888-1976), Dutch writer
- Holst, Gustav (1874-1934), British composer
- Holst, Hermann Eduard von (1841-1904)
- Holst, Imogen (1907-1984)
- Holst, Johan Jørgen (1937-1994)
- Holst, Kai (1913-1945)
- Holste, Luc (1596-1661)
- Holstein, Friedrich von (1837-1909)
- Holstein, Georg Bogislaus Staël von, Swedish soldier
- Holt, David, musician
- Holt, Harold, (1908-1967), Australian prime minister
- Holt, John, (1923-1985), songwriter
- Holt, Robert L., & Frank L. Holt, science-fiction authors
- Holt, Tom, (born 1961), British fantasy parody author
- Holten, Samuel, (1738-1816), U.S. physician, Congressman from Massachusetts
- Holton, A. Linwood Jr. (born 1923)
- Holtzhausen, August Friedrich Wilhelm, (born 1768)
- Holtzmann, Heinrich Julius Holtzmann, (1832-1910), German theologian
- Holyfield, Evander, (born 1962), world champion boxer
- Holzer, Jenny, (born 1950), artist