List of intrastate Interstate Highways
The following two-digit United States Interstate Highways do not cross state lines. There is no real violation of any rule here - nothing says an interstate has to truly be inter-state, but it is an amusing violation of the phrase.
Of course, Alaska's and Hawaii's interstate highways are fully within that state's boundaries. And Puerto Rico is not a state, but it also has internal highways funded by the Federal Government.
Interstate H-1
- Missing image
Interstate H-2 Interstate H-3
- Interstate A-1
- Interstate A-2
- Interstate A-3
- Interstate A-4
- Interstate PRI-1
- Interstate PRI-2
- Interstate PRI-3
- Interstate 73 may eventually reach Michigan
- Interstate 49 may eventually reach Kansas City, Missouri
- Interstate 45 may eventually extend through Oklahoma
- Interstate 99 may eventually extend through New York but it currently has no direct connection with any other interstate. Surface roads connect it with I-70/I-76 at its south end.